Gundam info?
If I were you, I'd read some detailed reviews on why people do and don't like each series.

The Unanimous votes tend to be Zeta and 0079 (go for the movies if you don't understant Japanese, don't like bad subs and don't like Dubs). ZZ seems to fall into two camps, those who couldn't make it past the first few eps and those who watched teh whole thing and liked the end. The OVAs, seem to be a mixed bag. 0080 strikes people as bad in more cases than not. 0083 apparently is really awesome, but has some awful dialogue. F-91 seems to be unanimously bad. Char's Counterattack is rated higly. V Gundam gets a lot of good reviews, but also is attacked for being too liberal with death. G Gundam is rated fairly low since it was a new forray into non-traditional Gundam shows. Wing is just like DBZ in rating. People hate it for solely being on CN. Personally I enjoyed it (but it ran a bit long). X is a mixed bag too, a lot of people find it boring, and then others find it to be one of the best out there. Turn-A is hard to categorize, not enough people have seen it. Seed isn't complete, but Suzaku loves it.

Go through the internet and check reviews for ALL the sets to get an idea of why people do and don't like each series.
Let me correct myself on "Mildly Reccomended" I by no means am saying that these aren't great series. I mean, hell...People are saying that Turn-A may be fantastic...I've just not seen it all yet, plus fans shouldn't really start with it. Rather I was trying to say that the "Highly Reccomended" things are top of the line simply the BEST series in the Gundam universe (in my opinion).

With Mildly reccomended, I mean the series may have some flaws, but they're still very very good and should be seen, just buy the highly reccomended things first if you can't afford everything.

Gundam 0083 has some amazing battles, just disappointing characters and a messed up plot.

ZZ is still a very good series, I actually laughed at alot of the sillier first episodes. But the fact remains that many people don't like them, and you're gonna be lost without seeing Z and 0079 first.'s good, (ALL HAIL HAMAN!)but shouldn't be your first purchase.

As for Wing being disliked because of Cartoon network...No. Wing got me hooked to Gundam in the first place(like it did many american fans), I don't even 'dislike' Wing, but I'm not afraid to see it's flaws, and what I dislike is how many people use it as an excuse to not bother watching the UC gundam series.

G-Gundam, You know what? It's different, very very different, but it's not shallow like you'd think. G-Gundam produced some fantastic episodes and has a great central relationship as well as some good characters. It's plot is actually more complex then it appears to be as well, it's just not the traditional Gundam war drama, but it's not as shallow as people think. (Master Asia, he is one of the things that makes the series good.)

SEED Like G-Gundam, it's not a perfect Gundam tends to recycle MANY MANY things from the original series, but beyond's good. Good charcters, good drama, not alot, but a few great battles, and I love the music and clean colorful modern animation.
I'd also suggest you pick up the SD Gundam digisubs. They are the funniest things I have seen in a long time.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
I highly reccomend the original Gundam, V Gundam, Char's Counterattack, and Turn A Gundam. I still haven't seen Z Gundam, but I'm gonna hold out until some R1 rips get released. It's best to watch Z and ZZ together to get the whole story. You can still enjoy Char's Counterattack if you've seen only the original series, but watching Zeta also adds to that. As for waiting until seeing all the series to watch Turn A, I don't really think that's true. Turn A is a great show to watch before the series, and it's greater to watch after them.
To fully understand Char's Counterattack, you really need to see:

Mobile Suit Gundam
Zeta [direct sequel to MSG]
Double Zeta

Mostly because Char talks about the Titans and Haman, who are big in Z and ZZ. Amuro also speaks about them being partners, another big thing in Z.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
I found what I needed to know about Gundam on
"Under my Flag, I Will Go"! - Captain Harlock
Too bad that link doesn't work.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
Oooops! My bad! I meant
"Under my Flag, I Will Go"! - Captain Harlock
#24 sucks terribly. is what you should look at if you need anything.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]

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