Does Bloodlust has jap dub or not?!
I was reading the reviews for the 3 versions that JJ has up for review, and after I going through them all I'm really confused. The MAC reveiws said it only had an eng dub, but the other 2 said it has eng subs and jap dub. All I'm really concerned about is the MAC set, which I'm considering getting. So any help will be great. Thanks.
I have the MI one, & it says it only has Japanese audio, & when you change it from 2.0 to 5.1 it says it's Japanese, but it's not! English only. Either that or I learned to speak Japanese without knowing :confused: .

If you read a review from each, they all say English only dub.

"Being aimed for the American/Western auidence predominantly, Vampre Hunter D: Bloodlust only ever featured an english dub without any kind of Japanese track." -Duragon
From the Mac review

As for getting Mac, why not AS?
The video rating of the mac is 4.8, while AS is 5.0, unless it's the fact that Mac has 4.8 audio, while AS has 4.0?

And if I'm wrong I'm sure one of the other guys will be more than happy to correct meWink .
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
Hehe, AS and MAC versions are the same, which is a rip of the R2 version

Vampire Hunter D only has an english dub, it was released in Japan in theaters in english with Japanese subtitles
also, it's "does Bloodlust have Jap Dub or not" Has is used when refering to someone who does have the item or feature in question (But not yourself). "Bloodlust has an English Dub".
In any event, there is a Vampire Hunter D: Redux Edition due out very soon in Japan (unless it's out already), that contains both English and a new Japanese audio track.

So I guess it won't be long until we see a HK rip of it.
Welcome to my world.
A jap dub?! That's awesome...anyone got a link to this info?
Quote:Originally posted by Gendo007
A jap dub?! That's awesome...anyone got a link to this info?

Why do you want a Jap dub.? it isn't what the film was intended to be viewed as.. Just like i hate English dubs because the film was intended to be viewed with a Japanese dub.. SO its the same for something that was made in english and then given a jap dub.. Kinda pointless..
posted by schultz: Why do you want a Jap dub.? it isn't what the film was intended to be viewed as.

I think sometimes people appreciate the fine japanese voice actors, they get into the voices more then American voice actors, its their true passion and some of them live for it. But I did like the dub in Bloodlust though it was well done.
Until I read the end of that I was fix'n have to give you a good talking to Wink . I too really liked the BloodLust dub too. I was kinda surprized it was any good. Just something about it.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
Just a little background knowledge... for those un-informed...

First all voice actors take there job very seriously... Bad dubs usually result in bad sells which in turn means those voice actors maybe out a job next time the audition. In Japan the voice actors strive everyday to try and get the European and American Accents down because generally to most JApanese viewers the only accent differences they can tell is if the voice actor is from northern, southern, or Okinawa Japan. These actors work so hard to take a Brtish accent and put it into Japanese dilect that it never seems to come out just right.

I will put it this way... I checked the local papers here in Okinawa and the Audio studios are looking for Eurpean and American's that can speak Japanese so they can be used in voice overs, Why because it is easier to believe that Britsh person speaking Japanese his dilect will carry over into the Anime. Look to Record of Lodass War all the charcters are from Medevil Age so they should have an European Accent. Just like Kenshin everyone is from Japan they should have a Japanese accent.

I'm not knock anyone for like Japanese Dub to English Dub. I just wish that is you have an American Charcter then have an american do his part and vise versa... Vampire Hunter D Blodlust was done beautifully and if it were for Americans with love and deep pockets we wouldn't have had another Vampire D story because the Japanese Studios weren't doing anything to further the story...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
i totally agree with schultz, its best to watch something in its original intented language. just because i watch lots of stuff in japanese doesnt mean i actually wanna go outta my way and everything i can in japanese, thats just plain stupid. like ordering the matrix or fight club from japan just to watch them in japanese.
see you space cowboy...
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
like ordering the matrix or fight club from japan just to watch them in japanese.

Can you imagine how enertaining that would be?
After watching something dubed in one language I find it fun to watch it in another, although it would be kinda stupid.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by morgorath
[B]Just a little background knowledge... for those un-informed...

First all voice actors take there job very seriously... Bad dubs usually result in bad sells which in turn means those voice actors maybe out a job next time the audition.

Sorry, but I have to disagree to an extent on this one, Yeah you are right about some bad voice actors ruining the anime and losing sells for some anime, However, Lets see for example the Tenchi series english dub has some horrible voice actors but, they come back every time, Im not going to complain though I remember buying the LDs way in the day and loved the series dubbed and to this day I refuse to watch it in the japanese dialogue. I go either way it doesn't matter I'm not biased at all, I've been watching anime for 20 years now to give a rat's ass which is better English or Japanese. But to my earlier comment I'm just glad to hear they made a Japanese dub to the movie because that is the way some people will watch it, and true its stupid, but it happens.
evilomar said
Quote:Sorry, but I have to disagree to an extent on this one, Yeah you are right about some bad voice actors ruining the anime and losing sells for some anime, However, Lets see for example the Tenchi series english dub has some horrible voice actors but, they come back every time, Im not going to complain though

Ok look at what you just said... you proved my point...!?! Tenchi has sold like rice cakes at Ten Nou Tanjoubi (that is Emperor Day here in Japan) Just because you believe that it is a bad dub doesn't disprove my point. Tenchi has made a lot of money and which in turn the voice actors were brought back to reprise there roles.

I do agree with the rest of your post...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Now it maybe be the fact hat the only thing from the Tenchi seires I've ever seen was on cartoon network, back during a time that me watching something subbed was unheared of, but I never saw any problems in the dub.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:

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