[Current Trade List] - Irissschan

These are the titles that I have for trade. My disks are in great conditions with cases and all so don't worry. I also hope to receive disks in good condition Wink

I have for trade:


Detective Conan pt 1,2,3,4,5 (MI)
Detective Conan pt 6 (AV)
Kenshin (MI) box 1 ---(4 discs total will trade for 3 discs)
Tokyo Babylon (R1)
Ranma Season 1&2 (FX)
Ranma Season 3 (MAC)
KOR Summer Beginning (AS)
Escaflowne Perfect (FX) - no movie
Trigun Perfect (FX)
Yami no Matsuei (MI)
Initial D all stages + movie (MI)
His and her circumstances vol 1,2 (R1)
X tv complete (MAC)
Fushigi Yuugi Perfect Complete (FX)
Comic Party (MI)
Hana Yori Dango Complete (MI)

Manga (in English)---(Trading for 1 disc each)

Clover (vol 1&2)
Fushigi Yuugi (vol 1&2)

I'm currently looking for:
Arjuna (FX)
Someday's Dreamer (FX)
Haibane Renmei (FX)
Kenshin (FX)
More anime of similiar genes

If you have what I want and I don't have what you want I'm willing to pay cash for it Smile

Midnight Panther I am interested in Smile check out my store section on the site and see if theres any DVD/DVDs u want for it and we'll see if we can work out a deal

How about hand maid may?
hmm... is the midnight panthers in good condition? with all packaging etc? if so email me at alex@import-anime.com
I'm interested in the Utena set, check out my list.... not that there's alot there but doesn't hurt to try I guess.... reply if you want to know any more stuff that is not explained on the list.
Well there really isn't anything I'm interested in. The only thing is X tv and I already have it.
I am interest in your Marmalade Boy. I don't have much DVD to trade.

I only have R1 of
Magical User's Club vol 1
Amazing Nurse Nanako vol 1
Ranma 1/2 Big Trouble in Nekonron, China

I also have lots of SVCD, Divx if you're interest in those. I got the VCD of Boys Be if you don't mind it is copy.

If there is nothing you're interest in. How much will you sell it?
Sorry I'm not interested in anything you have.
I'm also interested in Marmalade Boy. Please check out my list...
I won't mind to have marmalade boy either. Check my list.
Hey guys,

Glad many of you are interested in Marmalade Boy. However, I'm leaving for Japan in a week so I don't have time to trade.
I just traded with her and you people gotta know, SHE CAN DRAW NICE! I actually asked her to draw something for me as part of a trade. I wish she could post some of her work cause its REALLY nice! :wink:
Never is ever forever...

[Image: inuyasha.gif]

Successful trade with IRISSCHAN!

where's my color? :oops: aaagh no color? Cry , nice packing, everything came swell... Sad hope you enjoy my dvds Tongue SEMPER FI!
Never is ever forever...

[Image: inuyasha.gif]
Big Grin Currently trading with Big Grin


Updated some HK dvds and English manga...along with the number of discs I will trade for Smile
Successful trade with HarukaTenoh11!!! Very trustworthy trader! His dvds arrived in 2 days Big Grin

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