We need something New to Talk About
NO you're like #2, but just because I believe that heath needs to be #1. I'm not blowing you off, just tellin you to wait a bit.
The monkey with the most
Wow, that makes me feel better (sarcasum), well it does a little, I'm just tried of everytime you two get into a fight you end up telling me something meaning it just might be my time, & junk like that only for when you two get back together I get the same speech.

And before anyone starts that "this can be talkd about of PMs (hehe pms)" crap, let it be known she basicly refuses to answer my questions, & e-mails. This is the only place she'll answer at the moment, so please don't lock this one.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
I just lost my page & 1/2 long post due to the fact it wasn't signed in so I'm pissed now.
I'll try to retype it. I retyped copied so when it screwed up I didn't loose it that time Smile

Anywho, I'm not upset at all about being number 2, I couldn't care if I was number 3, 4, 7, or 21, & yes people she could get a line that long. I just don't like the fact that either you lie, or have problems. I could handdle if you said he was number 1 because you love him, or because he's the greatest God of sex, even better than me (that's ajoke there for you who don't know), but no, all I hear is I like him, & he tries so hard, & the fact that for a while you tried to get rid of him once every week to a week & a half. And the whole reson you explained for not breaking up with him when you move is just sad. I'm just glad that I get to be the one to hear your problems, which has it's draw backs, just because you're with him doesn't mean I don't want hear about the good times in your life.

To anyone:

And he needs to loose the attitude, just because me & him were so much a like doesn't mean I would try to use his world famous line of I'm not trying to steal her I'm trying to make her happy, & she's happist with me. (I think he used that line, I had the actuall line down the first post) I don't touch taken wemen, well, maybe if they come onto me, but still, that's not the point! Just because I've talked about dating, screwing (bondage style & normal), marring, kissing, & having a child with his "girlfriend" does not give him the right to blame me everytime she decided to break up with him (most of that was a joke, so laugh, he-he). I look out for her happyiness every now & then & when she's throwing 50,000 complaints at me about him I get the feeling she's not happy, or I'm getting lied to, but we all know she doesn't do that :S.

To Jessoca:

So you think about the 30 year old deal Tongue I don't expect you to really consider it, but still if live works out that way. You said you might want to do what my parents did, well I'm from them so somee of it must be in my genes Tongue

Anywho I don't remember where this was the first post, but I was talking about the results of the cards. I asked the same question 3 different time at many days/weeks apart & it still says the same thing, something between us would be hard as hell to pull of, but well the rest of it should probably be saved or never told at all, but ok.

Anywho, I won't be around for a few days, so see you when I'm back.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html

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