Question about StreetFighter 2 Movie Anime Studio DVDversion
Is it an exact copy of its Region 2 counterpart?

What extra stuff can you get from that DVD?

Is ths subtitling OK? (I mean, is it more accurate than the English dubbed US version?)

Junkiejoe, please reply to this. I know that you're able to watch the DVD from Anime Studio.
its exact copy of R1 counterpart...

its got English Dub 2 channel
English Dub 5.1 channel
Japanese 2 channel
PERFECT english subs
chinese subs (dont know the quality of them)

its got scene access

no other extras
What is the background music (is it the original Japanese background music)?

Is the Chun-li shower scene unedited?
oh, i thought u are talking about street fighter alpha....

street fighter 2 movie... yes its japanese voices with english subtitles... and its got the chun li's shower scene and its got original japanese music...

i have screenshots posted on the site...;list=S
OK Thanks.

The reason why I asked this is because Japan only released their final DVD version of Street Fighter 2 the animated movie about two years ago.

Previous releases of that movie were either in Laser Disc or in VHS format only.

The DVD has so may bonus features in it, it made me wonder whether that's the actual source that Anime Studio used.

However, the DVD Anime Studio uses is only DVD-5. They might as well have cut off the extra scenes.
I am all sold out of that title but I dont recall seeing any extras on the DVD... hopefully I will get the titles restocked today or tomorrow and find out (unless customs have something to say about this ~_~)
By the way, which person in gives judgement on English subtitling accuracy of Anime Studio DVDs?
the DVD doesnt have any extras so its not R2 source...

there is no one person that reviews the DVDs on its all done by users that sign up, then they post reviews of titles they seen/own etc...
Has anyone here seen the new Street Fighter 2 Animated Movie DVD from MAC?

What are its differences from the Anime Studio version (contentwise)?

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