Where can I find FX Perfect Edition Macross Movie DVD???
Hello all, board newbie here so please don't flame if this topic has been kicked around for the millionth time.

I really, really, really want to find anyplace that is selling the FX Perfect Edition Macross DYRL Movie. The only place I know of the carries it is Valkayrie-Exchange, but it seems they don't have any clue as to when they will be able to get more copies. Does anyone here know of any place I might be able to buy it from? Please help and thanks in advance.
cookiejarvideo.com has the title you're looking for. Big Grin
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Thanks for looking for me Shibo. Too bad they are outta stock too. Would anyone else happen to know where I can locate this dvd?
It must be out of print of something like that. I've checked animeniacs, CJV, sundevildvd and ebay and no one has it
Yea, I know. Seems that this is the best copy ever made, but no one can seem to get it for some reason. Well, if anyone wants to sell their copy, lemme know. I will accept any good offers.
well, seems like no one is willing to sell their copy. How about I start bidding price off at $25 and shipping? Any takers? Make me an offer.
I've got a copy, but I'm a huge Macross fan Cool

The FX Perfect Edition has by far the best quality of video of that movie I've found. The subtitles are decent, but not great. They don't sub any of the songs and I prefer the AV subtitles so I own both. Only God Almighty can make it possible someday for an official R1 release, but I'll keep praying and my boots 'til then.
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