Outlaw Star hk dvd question
Can anyone tell me what release of outlaw star this is?? it isnt in the reviews... also there seem to be many more versions of hk outlaw star available on ebay that listed in the reviews...
Not sure, but it's not the FX perfect collection one.
Just get the FX version, there are things wrong with the MI version, unless all you want is the Dub, in which case the MI version should suffice and be cheaper.
I agree with kakomu. The FX version is pretty much flawless, no reason to look at anything else as far as this series goes.
o-('-')-o HuG
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wheter the fx is good or not isnt the point its just that im mainly confused about the fact that there are more hk anime dvd companies than this site reviews... and they might have better rips than perhaps the fx... an personally i thing the picture in the provided link is a better cover than the fx cover.
The FX version is just as good as the R! version, in my opinion.
I love anime-but I still have a life-but not by choice......?
the copy you have looks like the R1 copy of Vol. 1's box. how many discs are in the set ? also any other covers?

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


LordMelkor Wrote:wheter the fx is good or not isnt the point its just that im mainly confused about the fact that there are more hk anime dvd companies than this site reviews... and they might have better rips than perhaps the fx... an personally i thing the picture in the provided link is a better cover than the fx cover.

Sure there are more companies than this site has listed, but can you figure out that they are? If whoever made that disc didn't put a name or logo on it, how are people suposed to know who it is? I have two unmarked sets that look slightly different than sets by AC/MI. What are they? Either AC/MI are selling unlabeled sets, or someone is bootleging bootlegs and not leaving their name. If they are better than the know companies they shoud brag, but judging by the sets I have, they are only as good as a knock off of knock offs can be. Nothing worth playing detective for.

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