People's worst video game
I liked how you could mow down groups of people in State of Emergency but yes it really did suck! Star Wars on NES is Pretty Terrible. I have gotten to the X-Wing mission and died 5 minutes into it. I never got that far again. Cliffhanger for Genesis Sux a big one too. It doesn't suck as much as eminem does but it isn't far from him! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I should do stand-up!!!! Any game with Taz is bad...and that Xmen Spiderman Arcades Revenge game on SNES is Bad too!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
i dont usually play bad games so mines probably arent as horrible as yours.

ff1 and 2 - these games just suck soooo much, i can make better games without even trying!

james bond junior - dear god no, even worse than the cartoon!

zelda 2 - quite the shame on the good 'ol zelda name

type of the dead - why it was made i just dont know

plus the new lupin the 3rd game on ps2 looks pretty grim, although i havent played it have i?
Hey now, FF1&2 don't suck. You probably would just rather play graphically-enhanced PS2 or Xbox games instead of playing sprite graphics-type games.

And, you also have to take into consideration the fact that those two games are really old so you shouldn't expect so much.

Besides, without these "lousy" games you would not have systems like PS2 and Xbox.
Lousy games didnt lead to better sytems the need for better graphics did.
Sherlock Holmes - Sega CD
any of the Make your own Music Video Games on Sega CD (I owned one for a day, but promptly returned it).

Other than those, I tend to buy good games.
ff 1&2 were total bollox! they couldnt think of a good story or plot so they just made it incredibly hard! and by all means im not a big fan of modern video games probably why i dont own a console currently. for me the golden age of video games were the days when the snes ruled! and the ff games of the snes were the best ever, much better than the ps ones will ever be.
I am gone for a week and come back and what do I see posting with no knowledge...

Kroova - First off in the console world "graphics" never push the industry... If so we would have a new console every year going better "graphics" Games witht he best mix of story, gameplay and graphics are what keep consoles alive.

kakomu - Your right on the Sega CD Sherlock Holmes was pretty bad, but as an interactive DVD it's pretty good...

sanosuke - Having an view on video games when you don't even own a current system is like me discussing war tatics with General Tommy Franks... It's pointless. Try playing FF1 on the PSOne the undated graphics are great and the story has been flushed out and it is gaming master piece...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Yea the new FF1 is AMAZING compared to the old one. I have em both and the new one totally ROX!!! You can save practically anywhere! And your attacks aren't wasted if the enemy is dead before the next character attacks. YOU ALL NEED IT!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Here is another bad game for you to ponder over: Street Fighter 2010.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Is that the Street Fighter Movie Video Game (A game of a Movie about a game)? Big Grin
ive played enough of modern video games to know that games arent what they used to be, i think im gonna buy a gamecube soon but the ps2 has at least some rpgs
sanosuke here Skies of Arcadea and FF Crystal Chronicals both on the Gamecube there are some RPG's for ya....
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
AD&D is the best RPG Wink
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
Any game with Taz is bad...and that Xmen Spiderman Arcades Revenge game on SNES is Bad too!

The taz in escape from mars game for the Genesis was pretty good.
Street Fighter 2010 was on the NES and you played as Ken! It was a side scroller. And yes I did mean the NES !!!!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"

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