OMG, someone who says the movie of Buffy is actually better then the series. What joke :p
But first things first, Angel has become a great show, especially the last season, and I heard it has about a 95% chance of being picked up. It would be stupid of the WB to stop now.
Btw, may Fox go bankrupt for cancelling John Doe(After the 3rd season of 24 ofcourse

). To make a show that has so many filler episodes and just when the plot is starting a bit, they cancel it. I feel so betrayed
Lastly, I think Buffy has been one of the most underrated shows. The first 3 seasons were really excellent. After that some people felt that it became a little less good. But because people tend to dismiss Buffy and think it's a bad show, they miss some very good writing and very original stories, some very memorable ones, 1 episode called Hush where for like 30 minutes everybody's voices are taken away, and thus no sound. A musical episode which lasts for over 50 minutes, which was completely written(dialog, songs and music) by the creator of Buffy.
It may not be your taste, you may not like it, but it's not bad by any means. In this last season they've made 1 giant mistake which makes very hard to keep it a good story.
I'm sure not many here will agree with me but I just had to defend my dear Buffy ^_^