[Current Trade List] Inja Updated 13 may
I only do DVD-R

HK dvds:

Lain FX vol 1-2
Flame Of Recca Vol 1-6 (M)
Cowboy Bebop the movie
Oh My Goddess the movie
Sprited Away
Jin roh
Princess mononoke
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust (ANIME CARTOON)
Kenshin (M) vol 1-12

R1 dvd:

Saiyuki Vol 1
Cowboy bebop vol 1-6
Love hina vol 1-4
Love Hina spring special
Love Hina x-mas special
Hellsing vol 1-4
Ghost in the shell movie
Vampire Hunter D old version
Street fighter alpha
Akira Thx Edition
X the movie
X vol 1-4
Escaflowne vol 1-8
Escaflowne The movie + special disc
Oh my goddes vol 1-2
Grave of the fireflies
Samurai X Trust
Final Fantasy X vol 1-2
Kenshin Betrayel
Dragonball Tournament
Black Jack
Rurouni Kenshin Reflection
Rurouni Kenshin The Motion Picture
Armitage Dual Matrix
Now And Then, Here And There vol 1-3

R2 dvd:

Perfect Blue Limitid edition (japanese version doesnt have english subs)
Macross Zero Vol1 fansubbed

Asian Movies:

Battle Royale
Ring 2
Ring 0
Ring Virus

Comming Soon:
Hero 2disc dts version

Wanted :

The Voices Of A Distant Star
The Guyver R1 or R2
Love Hina Again
Full Metal Panic
Evangelion Movies
Infinite Ryvius
Love Hina Vol 4-5

If you want something and its not on the wanted list. then just tell me what you have i

Successful trade with Goflutie
Are these DVd-Rs or orignal R1s??

Intrested in:

Hellsing vol 1-3
X vol 1-4
Escaflowne vol 1-8
Escaflowne The movie + special disc
Interested in your Bebop set...please look at my post below and let me know Big Grin

Hey there

l pay good moolah for your DVDs, in Uk though
please pm Inja, will offer a good price!!!

desperately want Escaflowne and X DVDs!!!

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