Yu-Gi-Oh! First season fiasco
I've googled 'til I just can't google no more.

Okay, well, to start off:

I am Hello-Millie, the owner of DEVA Project, a fansub group.
Not only do I own it, I also am the timer, encoder, editor, and translator. lol
Well, I made a fansub script for Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - Episode 90 and sent it to a few fansub projects to try to gain some support, but to no success. I've only subbed Pocket Monsters - Pikachu no Doki Doki Kakurembo (The fourth movie short) and I'm eager for a new project. Which was GOING to be Yu-Gi-Oh! (The undubbed first season) as it seems Sakura Anime has abruptly halted after the first four episodes.

Well, the series was released in Japan on VHS only. So, I turned to bootleg DVDs and VCDs as my source.
Well, here's what I've founded from a month of searching.
There were 2 countries besides Japan to have even a bootleg release of the series, and they are Thailand and China. Well, I had heard that the Chinese VCDs had Chinese subtitles, so I just supposed that the language track would be Japanese. Well, it's Chinese DUBBED, TOO! So I went to the Thai VCDs. Not only are they Thai dubbed, THEY'RE ENCODED IN PAL!
I didn't want to have to use VHS' as my video source for the fansub, but from the looks of it, that's what it's going to come down to.
I'm considering racking out the dollars and buying not only the Japanese VHS', but also the Chinese VCDs. Take the audio track from the Japanese VHS' and replace it with the Chinese track on the VCDs, and then just put my subs over the Chinese ones. But, that's going to take a LOT of work, and a LOT of money. And I'm not sure if I should bother.

Any solutions?
And thats all I've got to say! ^.^
Why don't you just encode the VHS? I know a lot of people complain about VHS but a lot of people were very satisfied over the MI version of Kenshin which was also a VHS rip. Japanese VHS can be very good quality wise. Don't dismiss that as a good source Smile

Anyway, good luck on your project Big Grin
Never catch a falling knife
Yea, listen to Shady, besides, u dont want to do YuGiOh high res encodes anyways... 90+ episodes at 240megs each would be pretty harsh...

also isnt that series out on bootleg DVD? and the VCDs come with hard coded subs right?
I'm talking about the FIRST series. The one that was never dubbed.
It's 27 episodes, also.
And thats all I've got to say! ^.^
Hey... I'm already doing the Yu-Gi-Oh first series (on DVD I might add, as well as digisub).

I have the japanese VHS already of Volume 1 (eps 1-3) and have already had it transferred to DVD for me. The quality is above the VHS source itself (thanks to some combination of filters) so the quality will be good.

My translator said she would have translations done by the end of April, and I've already made all the menus for it, so I should be done very soon. (BTW, I head Millennium Anime, who also am doing uncut Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters and Detective Conan).

If you want to time or translate for these episodes that'd be a help like you couldn't imagine. I can easily send you a WAV file of the episodes to time if you also have an OK internet connection, and you can look over the menus if you want to tell me what you think.

(COPY AND PASTE the following into your browser : www.geocities.com/warrior_no_yami/yugiohoriginal.ZIP . Don't click on it, geocities ruins it like that. If you do click on it, it'll say page can't be found, then just delete the "http://" part and press enter and it would work).

If you do decide to help out (please) email me (spirit _ of _ lightning @ hotmail.com , but without the spaces) and let me know. Tongue I'd give you full credit too of course.

And by the way, those VCDs are a bad idea. I did plan to redub them in japanese also, but I were told they are downright inferior, plus the japanese VHS isn't that bad of a price.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
After talking, DEVA Project and Millenium Anime are joining for the Yu-Gi-Oh! project. DEVA Project is going to time all episodes, and (I THINK) translate episodes 4-27. The fansub is going to be on DVD. Any further updates will be posted here.
And thats all I've got to say! ^.^
Hey I don't know if you guys hear this enough but here it goes anyways...
"Thanks, because of all the hard work you do people such as myself get to enjoy top rate anime at a decent price." Being here in Okinawa and being able to watch them on Tv is great but my Japanese is really sub par and being able to full understand the story (due to people like you) makes my day."

Well that's all I have to say good luck and I look forward to the updates here on the best place for imported anime... oh and JJ you rock too...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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