Older Work
some of my older, yet unfinished & still in first draft junk.

The wind blows over the destructed city as another building crumbles. A man wearing a black ninja jump suit runs through the debris as twilight begins to set in. He looks back at the path behind himself looking for his chaser. He is brought to a stop by someone infront of him. The man looks forward to see a tall pale white man holding him off the ground by the collar of his clothes. "What do we have here?" The smaller man held by his clothes exclaims. "Please, you must let me go he's after me." "Who my good man is after you?" Asked the pale man.

"Roujin, the wolf ninja." Answered the frightened man. "Who?" Exclaimed the pale gentleman. "He seeks out evil beast of the night, it's like a sport to him." He explained.

Three other pale men fade in behind the first. "Look what he have here boys. What do you think?" The others answer him. "Dinner time!" The pale man smiles reveling his vampiric fangs. Before for biting his pray he in stunned. He sniffs the air. A jolt of shock shoots through his body. Before he can drop his lunch the small man had already bitten his head, ripping it from his shoulders, then letting it fall from his mouth. Blood spurts from his neck onto what can only be described as a werewolf in a black ninja suit.

Before any of the other vampires can move another falls. The wolfman pulls his claws from the fallen vampire, ripping guts from his torso. He throws the guts of his last victim into one of the other's eyes, before kicking him. He draws his katana holding it at his back, blocking the attack from the vampire behind him. He thrust his katana back pushing away his attacker, then slices open the one he had kicked. He quickly spins around blocking another swing. He kicks the last vampire in the stomach.

The werewolf stands before the vampire. "Go, tell them of Roujin. I shall hunt you all." Vampire catches his balance, then disappears. The wolfman begins to collect the things from the bodies, but is interrupted by another guy wearing a long black trench coat walking towards him. "Who are you?" The stranger does not answer. The wolfman then sniffs the air. "You're nothing but a sorry human, get out of here before you anger me." Growls the wolfman.

The stranger speaks. "I'm the one who's chasing you remember?" "No human dares to follow me!" Shouts the wolfman. "And who are you?" Calmly asks the stranger as he nears. "I am the great Roujin. Humans will die out one day, but if you continue to anger me I'll make your end come sooner." "You really shouldn't lie." "Human, you test my patience!" The stranger stops infront of the wolfman. "Just because you want to be in the same line of work doesn't mean you can use my name." Exclaims the stranger.

The wolfman jumps back. "You smell of human." The stranger throws off his coat reveling his black ninja suit. Roujin draws his sword. "Do you have a name of your own?" He asks. "Kyuu." Answers the wolfman. "Can I take it that you would like a match?" Kyuu pauses before answering. "I've nothing to lose."

Both lunge forward locking blades. "Aah, we're matched in strength." Kyuu says. "I'm in human skin! Exclaims Roujin. "And I'm holding back." Roujin pushes Kyuu back, then moves in swinging at his sword. With every block Kyuu is pushed back. "How can this be? You're not even at your full power." "I told you my name." "Roujin is just a legend!" "I'm straight from the story tails to take on the job of helping the humans."

Kyuu leaps back up against a building, jumping off to the wall of another, then back across the roof of the building. Roujin's skin rips being replaced by fur as his face takes on characteristics of the wolf. He leaps from the ground to the building where Kyuu landed. "There's no way you could have made that in a single jump, even if you are part wolf!"

Roujin stands there stareing at Kyuu, making him feel uncomfortable. Kyuu runs to the west side of the building where he jumps to another building. From there he runs west, then jumps to a lightpole. Looking back he can?t seem to find Roujin. Kyuu is shaken as the pole beings to falls over. He looks down as he jumps to a building to his right, seeing Roujin standing at the base of the light pole.

Roujin leaps to the roof of the building land in front of Kyuu, who attacks. Sparks fly as their katanas clash. Roujin lifts his katana above his head, swinging with most ofs might, he hits Kyuu?s blade, sending him crashing to the ground next to the edge. "Get up! If you leave now I will let you live, but you must promise to never use my name again." Kyuu stumbles to his feet, then bows while answering. "I shall warn you. If I leave now I will be back." "And when you return, I will beat you down, & send you away once again."

Kyuu?s eyes widen as his upper torso slides off spilling guts and blood all about. Behind where he once was, now stands a fighter in a dark purple suit with a face wrapping. Roujin notices cat like ears on top of their head. "Well, well, I?m not even going to act surprised. Although I would like to mention, everyone seems to buy their clothes at the same store as I do." Roujin said trying to make a joke. "You?re almost funny, there haven?t been any real stores in years." Answered the new fighter.

"Would you even care to know my name?" They asked. "I can?t say it would have much meaning to me. Then again I would like to say you have very beautiful eyes." The purple clothed fighter seems a little surprised by Roujin?s comment of their eyes, then replies. "Although I don?t see how my eyes have anything to do with who I am, but to inform you, my name is" Roujin interrupts." Kyuu, one of the best feline fighters, if not the best. Your fame is great in many pubs across the humans? land. The only thing I find wrong with it is they say that you are male."

With those last few words Roujin lunges forward, locking blades with Kyuu?s katana, while at the same time bringing around a small throwing knife. The knife cuts through Kyuu?s ninja suit, and the bandages constricting her chest. Roujin jumps back as Kyuu trys to cover her chest. "You don?t have to worry, I?m not that kind of man, I wouldn?t damage your bra." Roujin assures her. "Another attempt of a joke? Ho" Roujin interrupts again. "How did I know? You were good at disguising your voice, and although I could have know by your eyes, I knew as soon as you reached the base of this building." Kyuu begins to speak, but is cut off by Roujin. "You?re in heat, I can smell you for miles, if it weren?t for all the blood split in this area that is."

Kyuu stares into Roujin?s eyes projecting all of her rage in her own. She turns, jumping down from the building. Roujin yells out to her. "Just remember I can track you if I like." He gives out a small laugh.

Roujin growls as his fur sinks back into his skin, while his face returns to normal. He quickly moves down to his black trench coat, he throws it upon his back, then shoves his arms through the sleeves. Walking around through dead bodies he collects all valuables he can find. He then begins to travel north.

After traveling a few miles he reaches a great barrier, a giant wall of steel. He walks past the crosses, & cloves of garlic up to the great silver gate. He knocks three times on the gate. It swings open. Behind it stands three men, one holding a rifle, who has many silver bullet chains hanging from his chest, one holding a wooden stake, wearing many crosses, while the other man stands weapon less, holding only the leash to a dog standing next to him.

The dog walks to Roujin, after smelling of his clothes he growls. The two other men ready themselves for an attack. Roujin interrupts them. "Calm down, it was a small fight, & I wasn?t bitten." Hanta explains. "Sorry Roujin, but you know we have to be careful, even the best of us fall sometime." "The day I fall will be the day I take my own life." Exclaims Roujin. "Now, Hanta, Kira, & Kei will you let me pass, I would like to get some rest. The three men move from the path, but the dog refuses to move. "You too Inu, out of the way." The dog moves from the path. The men watch in silence as Roujin walks on into what is left of their city.

Before the men close the door, the dog lifts its eyes, then begins smelling the air. Without much sound it tries to lead Kei outside. "I?ll see what it is & call you guys if I need help." He follows behind the dog. It leads him a few yards from the gate, then into the bushes. The dog stops moving to chew on the corpse of a dead animal. Before Kei can begin to drag the beast back to the gate he is grabbed from behind. He cannot scream, or yell out for help because of a hand holding his mouth shut.

He hears a feminet voice calmly speak to him. "I?m am Mononeko of the forest people, do not scream, I am only hear to ask you a few questions. Do you understand?" Kei nods his head. She releases him. He turns around seeing a mildly tall woman, wearing a leather top, & matching skirt, although he could tell very little other than that due to darkness setting into the night. "What is it you would like to know?" Asked Kei. Mononeko, noticing the dog about to finish its snack, throws down a few scraps of meat. "I would like to know about Roujin. Where did he come from, & why does he take the side of us humans?" Answered Mononeko.

Kei gave her a strange look. "To tell the truth, no one knows where he came from, one day he just appeared to help us. We all just assume he came from another city. And why wouldn?t he help the humans? He is one himself." Again Mononeko notices the dog?s entertainment about devoured; she searches her pocket for more food, but finds none. She quickly thanks Kei before running off into the woods. Kei, halfway puzzled, begins to walk back to the gate, but Inu refuses to move.

He sniffs the air once more, but makes no sound. He instead moves to a near by tree. After marking the tree, he walks towards the gate as Kei follows behind.

Roujin walks into the pub. He walks to the counter, sits down, & orders a drink. The bartender sets down the drink, & goes back to work. Roujin takes a few sips of the drink, puts down a few gold pieces he took from the corpse of a vampire onto the bar, then he walks out. He walks own the street to his ragged falling down house, after enter his bedroom he tosses his trench coat onto his bed, then lays upon the floor before rolling under the bed. He closed his eyes & tried to sleep. After lying there for many minutes, with images of Kyuu going through his mind he finally drifted off to sleep, only to have dreams of her dance through his mind.

Early the next morning at what one can only guess was 4:33, the time couldn?t be accurate because there were few clocks left in the world, Kyuu leaves a cave wrapped in a robe carrying a dress in hand. She walks to the edge of a small waterfall located a few yards from her cave. Walking up to a rock she tosses the dress she held into the small pool of water collected at the bottom of the fall. She then drops her robe onto the rock next to her.

Her cat like tail twitches as she enters the cool water. She settles down on a rock in the side of the pool, where she grabs the dress floating around in the water, & begins to clean it. Kyuu lets dress go again, then submerges head into the water. Raising up her ears have disappeared, along with her tail. She stands up, reaching into the pocket of her robe, & taking out a bar of homemade soap.

She scrubs her dress with the soap, then she begins to clean herself. She thoroughly washes every inch of her body so that there is no trace of feline smell. Again she stands up from the water. This time to shakes the water from the freshly clean dress. She then shakes her body, much like that what a dog would do to rid itself of being wet.

She steps out of the water, then slides on her still moist dress which can now plainly be seen as a loose, light blue dress. She runs around in the opening to further dry her body, and her dress.

Somewhere around the time that could only be called 5:23 Roujin raises from his sleep. He walks to his wash room, where he tosses his dirty clothes onto the floor of his shower. While taking his morning shower he stomps upon his clothes to try and clean them. After scrubbing himself for near about five minutes he picks his clothes from the floor washing them off. Then he puts them back on.

Roujin leaves his shower, heading out for the pub. Just as Mononeko dressed in her nice light blue dress appears at the gate. She knocks upon the door three times as she had seen Roujin do. The door opens reveling the same three men & Inu standing ready for a fight. The dog smells of her, but does nothing. As she walks pass Kei she sees him wink at her from the corner of her eye. As she walks further she hears Kei?s voice. "He should be at the pub by now."

Kyuu navigates her way through the city into the pub, where she spots Roujin sitting at a table sipping his mug of ale, while reading something upon the table. Kyuu begins to act lady like as she approaches him. Before she can speak he does, in a half-bored voice. "Hello." Mononeko answers him in a lighthearted tone of voice. "Hello mister, would you mind if I was to sit down beside you here?"

Roujin looks up at her, giving her a dirty look. "Who do you think you?re fooling?" She pretends to be shocked, before leaning over so that Roujin could slightly see down her dress, then replied. "I don?t know what ever you are talking about sir." Roujin ignores her movements, as he pauses his reading to answer her. "I liked you better as a warrior, not a french hore." Kyuu sighs, then quickly sits down.

"Nice aloe soap" says Roujin. "but, it doesn?t cover your scent from my nose. Of which I would prefer you didn?t talk about while in this town, although I?m sure you have no room to talk, & therefore won?t. Am I right kitty girl?" Kyuu stands up, but before leaving whispers to Roujin one last thing. "I would like to talk to you alone." Roujin answers as she begins to walk away. "I?ll track you down later tonight, oh, & do hide, it will be more fun that way."

At the time about 6:53 Roujin gets out of his bed, throws his trench coat onto his back, & walks out his house. As he walks through the front gate many men run up behind him. As the gate opens they begin to inform Roujin of a master wolf found in south forest. Roujin?s eyes widen with interest. After hearing a few more details he decides to go on a hunt to find the beast. After exclaiming that he must go alone, he runs towards the area the wolf was spotted.

Upon reaching the forest he hears men yelling & screaming inside. Roujin?s skin rips reveling his wolf side. He jumps from tree to tree following the voices. He locates the voices to find a werewolf cornered, while being pursued by men with spears. Moving quickly he jumps down to the wolfman, grabbing him, then jumping onto the tree which cornered the wolfman. He runs a short distance from the men, then throws the wolfman to the ground.

Roujin commands the werewolf to hide, as he circles around the hunters. When he is finally behind the hunters he pulls his wolf hair into his skin taking on his human side. He runs up to the hunters. "Which way did he go?" "That way." One man answered while pointing. "Ok, you head back, I?ll take care of this one." "Ok, but be careful, he may look old, but when we cornered him he was able to jump out of our way." Said another man.

When the hunters had left Roujin moved back to the old wolfman. "Master you can come out now." The old werewolf drops down from a tree. "You have much since I last saw you Roujin." Exclaims the elder wolf. "Master, you must learn to hide yourself better, the humans will kill anything that isn?t of their kind." "Oh, and that?s way you live amongst them?" "I live with them to protect them! Now, if you will excuse me I have some where to be." Roujin quickly replies. Before he can leaves the wolfman says one more comment. "I may be old, but I can still smell. She?s trouble, you know that."

Roujin answers as he quickly jumps from tree to tree. "It?s not like that." He reaches the edge of the forest to find the hunters leaving. Roujin jumps to the ground. "Hey, you?re just now leaving?" He yells to them. "We can?t all be like you." They answer. Roujin turns to a different direction, so that he can run at his full human form speed without being seen by the hunters.

Roujin soon reaches the tree filled area around the human?s city. He sniffs the air for Kyuu?s scent. He searches out the further most smell them begins to track it. He soon reaches a small cave opening by a small waterfall. "So much scent here, she?s getting better at hiding." Roujin says softly to himself. "But, not good enough." His skin rips as it is replaced by fur, while his face takes on features of the wolf.

He jumps at the waterfall, kicking his feet into the stream of water falling, & using it like a ladder to climb to the top. As he reaches the top Kyuu pounces from the water, tackling Roujin down into the small pool of collected water below. Son after Kyuu is thrown from the small pool, but lands on her feet. She quickly jumps backwards into a tree as Roujin gets out of the water. He growls before smiling.

Again he tracks her scent. Kyuu leaps from a tree onto Roujin. He grabs her throwing her over his head, but before he lets go she grabs his hand throwing him first. Roujin hits the ground rolling, while she rolls along side him. As they come to a stop Kyuu is on top. "I win!" She shouts. Roujin upset by her claim of victory growls out a few words. "Would you like to see my true power, in a spar perhaps?" "If I wanted a spar I would ask for one. I wanted to meet you so that I could ask you a few questions, of which the list has grown."

Roujin interrupts. "The first of which is now, how did I find you. You did pick a good spot. Your scent was not only all over the cave, but carried by the water, making it seem as though you were everywhere, but I noticed that the scent reached up to the top of the waterfall. Meaning that had to be the source. Next question, or would you rather me guess?"

Kyuu gets up from Roujin. Roujin leaps up to his feet. "First we wash off in the pool, then you ca answer the rest of my questions." Roujin nods as he follows her to the small pool. Kyuu pauses before getting into the pool. She takes off her purple suit, tossing it into the water. Wearing only her undergarments she plunges into the water. Roujin takes off only his trench coat before entering the water.

"You should throw your clothes into the pool that way they get cleaned." Explains Kyuu. Roujin simple answers. "No, need. Now, about your next question?" Kyuu pauses for a moment. "Well, I was wondering where you came from? How did you get so strong?" Roujin begins his long explanation. "After the nuclear war humans began to change become beast like yourself. What people didn?t know was there were already beast of the night. Vampires, werewolves, and many other types of creatures." He pauses.

"Before the war I was one of the many true werewolves. But, after the war I started to slowly change. My face began to smooth out, my fur sunk into my skin, & my fangs and claws disappeared too. I had become human, but only about ΒΌ. Luckily my master survived the war, he himself didn?t suffer from the changes I did. I then went under training to learn to forces my primal powers so that I could be full wolf once again. As for your next question, seeing as how I was ?cursed? with a human side, I thought it would only be right to try and help them from creatures who abuse their abilities."

Kyuu thinks for a little while taking in all of the information. "Why not fight for peace?" She asks. "The humans don?t want peace, at first they just wanted to be left alone, but now they seem to want to rule." Kyuu moves closer to Roujin who looks up at the now starry sky. Roujin?s attention is redirected as Kyuu?s arms wraps round his shoulders. At first he is confused by feels slight comfort as her begins to rub her head against his right shoulder.

He once again becomes alert as Kyuu other arm cross his chest, completing her hug. He then feels her suddenly move, but before he can react she has moved upon his lap. She sits on his lap looking into his eyes, which give back a blank stare. He puts his hand on her chest, pushing her to the other side of the pool, then stands. Before leaving he informs her. "I told you, it?s your mating time that?s all. When it passes you won?t even remember me." Roujin disappears into the darkness.

Kyuu, hurt by Roujin?s actions & words, leaves the pool; picking up his trench coat he left behind, then slowly walks into her cave.

The next morning Kyuu awakes wrapped in Roujin?s coat. She jumps from her bed moving out next to the pool, where she collects her clothes she had left the night before. Roujin walks up, lifting his head up off the counter of the pub. Kyuu puts her wet clothes on. "If it?s a fight he wants, it?s a fight he?ll get." She runs off towards Roujin?s city.

Roujin gets up from the stool he slept upon, stumbling to the door, then falling out the door. His eyes ache as he enters the sunlight. Roujin slowly lifts himself from the ground, then begins to move towards his house, but is stopped by an unseen force. He sniffs the air, his eyes shoot open. "It?s her! She?s near in her fullest of feline forms." He whispers to himself. Roujin drags himself to the front gate, where the three guards let him pass.

He followed her scent, which at times became strong, and at other times weakened. As he reaches the fallen city of the past he transforms into his wolf form, picking up speed. He spots her tail sticking out from behind a building. As he nears the tail, her arm breaks through the weak wall, clothes lining Roujin. He falls to the ground, watching her tail disappear from the side of the building. He leaps to his feet yelling out "You got me that time!" He hears Kyuu?s voice coming from the top of the building. "You asked if I wanted a spar, well I do."

Kyuu stands looking down over the edge of the building, but is surprised to not see Roujin. Roujin burst up through the roof grabbing Kyuu from behind. "You shouldn?t pick on a drunk man like this." "I see no man!" Roujin squints his eyes in pain. "Would you try not to yell, I still have a hang over." Kyuu shoves her elbow into Roujin?s ribs causing him to release her. She then flips over him, drops down, & sweeps his legs from under him.

Roujin falls to the ground again. "Am I a little to strong for you now?" She asks. Roujin doesn?t answer. "How about I up the stakes." She jumps from the building, picks up Roujin?s coat, & her katana, before jumping from building back to the top. She reaches the top to find nothing. Hearing a noise to the left of the building, she turns to face it. Then she hears a sword beginning drawn. She quickly turns around to see Roujin holding his katana to her neck.

Kyuu jumps back drawing her sword, & lifting it into the air just in time to block Roujin?s attack. Roujin continues to randomly swing his blade with one hand, as Kyuu uses both hands to grasp the hilt of her blade while blocking Roujin?s attacks. Roujin yawns, while still attacking. His yawn is interrupted by, Kyuu striking back, and knocking his katana from his hand. "I don?t care how strong you are, you should never take me lightly." Shouts Kyuu. "Go on!" Roujin shouts back. "You won?t even touch me."

Kyuu angered by his words begins to strike with many quick swings, slices, slashes, but none are even able to touch Roujin. He leans left, right, jumps, and does a flip, every movement it takes to move from the blade?s path he takes. Kyuu stabs at Roujin, who moves to the side, then grabs her wrist. He rolls her up into his arms hugging her, while at the same time restraining her movements.

She growls as she tries in vain to break free from his hold. Roujin lets go of her, but before she can move, he kicks her in the back sending her forward. She spins in the air, landing on her feet, facing him. She gives off a loud hiss before rushing in for an attack. Roujin tosses her katana to her, as he does a back handspring grabbing his own blade, but land off the side of the building.

Kyuu stops to look over the side. She sees nothing, but hears Roujin?s voice. "Your breeding time soon comes to an end. Your scent isn?t stable to me anymore." Watches Kyuu leap down from the building, before leaping back to the top. As he goes to look over the edge down t her she swings back up kicking him in the face. "I may not be able to smell as good as you, but I can pin point your location by your voice."

Roujin gets up, but cannot see Kyuu. He sniffs the air, but finds no new scent. Then he hears it, the sound of a blade cutting through wind. He turns around looking up to see Kyuu diving in for a strike. "You forget I too have great hearing." He yells as there blades clash, & he is knocked to the ground as Kyuu falls on to of him. She pins his sword to the ground with her own, holding his other hand down with her own. They struggle for a moment.

She again stares into his eyes. "You seem to like this position." She says. "Why would you say that?" He asks. "If you didn?t you would have over powered me by now." "Cut me some slack, I just woke up." He slowly pushes her off of him, but she still stands over him. She jumps back as he tries to kick her off. She lunges forward tring to strike him once more. He grabs the hilt of his sword with both hands, slapping her katana to the side.

He drops his katana, as she is still moving in. She tumbles into him, knocking him off the building, but she too moved a little to far from the edge, & was unable to grab hold of the side. They grab hold of each other, fighting for themselves to hit the ground first, but with Roujin being the strongest, he wins. As his back slams into the ground Kyuu?s body is pressed up against his own. Kyuu acts as though she had fainted so that she doesn?t have to move. Roujin gets up, holding her up from the ground, then tossing her over his shoulder; he jumps to the roof once more.

After collecting their swords & his coat he travels back to the small waterfall. He carries her into the cave, where he lays her down upon her bed. Then, he lays down on the floor, & rolls under her bed.

The next morning Kyuu awakes to see Roujin sitting beside her bed looking at her. "You didn?t have to act as though you were so hurt so I would protect you through the night." Says Roujin. "I wasn?t hurt, I just fainted, that?s all." Kyuu answers. Kyuu feels at her purple suit, which has been loosened. She looks into the suit to find her chest wrapped in bandages. "It was a big fall, you needed aiding, but it was strictly professional." Roujin explains. "And you?" Asks Kyuu. "I needed no help, seeing as though I am so strong."

"Will you be ok once I leave?" Roujin says as he stands. "Yes." "See you around." Roujin says as he walks out the entrance in the cave. He again returns to the home of the humans. He taps upon the great silver gate. Roujin looks in at the three guards. As they prepare for battle he shouts out his commands. "Stop that this instant. It is about time we have a town meeting." Kira moves in Roujin's way. "You must be checked!" Roujin pushes Kira out of the way. "Just call the town meeting!"

Many minutes later Roujin walks infront of many of the town?s people. He commands silence. "I have requested that you all be hear today because I have a message for you all. As of today we shall propose peace out the other races." The crowds gasp, then begin to scream out in anger. "Shut up!" Roujin begins. "Ant of you who support this idea step forward." Out of the many people around only two step forward, an elder woman, & a younger girl in a robe. Roujin turns to the older lady. "Thank you ma?am." He turns to the robed girl. "I didn?t think you would make it."

The crowd uproars again. "Listen! If you people are unwilling to live along side other races, then I shall no longer fight at your side." Kyuu?s eye is caught by a small child near the front of the crowd playing with a ball of yarn. As the ball falls from the child?s hand she leaps forward loosing her robe. Cat like ear sprout from her head, and her tail grows out through her purple suit, as he touches the yarn ball.

The people gathered around leap back as Kyuu grabs the yarn ball jumping to a house top. A voice yells out from the crowd. "See that, something like that beast was able to get into our village!" Roujin grabs the elder woman, then leaps over the crowd, the to the top of the building following Kyuu. He finds her lying on the roof playing with the ball of yarn. He picks her up, holding her under his other arm. He jumps down from the roof, the dashes into his house.

He puts Kyuu, & the old lady down in the bedroom. He picks up an old hat from his bed placing it upon his head. "Ma?am are you willing to come with us?" The old woman only nods her head. Roujin drops to the floor. He reaches under his bed opening a trapped door. The woman moves on into the hole. Kyuu lays upon the floor playing with her yarn ball. Roujin rips the ball from her hands, throwing it into the hole. Kyuu leaps into the hole to get back her ball. At last Roujin jumps into the holes, closing it behind himself.

Roujin picks Kyuu from the ground carrying her through the small dark tunnel. Finally he sees the light of day. He jumps up out of the hole to see the old lady sitting next to the exit. Screaming men can be heard in the distance. Roujin snatches the yarn ball from Kyuu once more. "Hey what was that for!" She complies. "We have to get moving, now!" Roujin looks around to see the woman running off to the west. "Now, lets see who the first to reach your place is, shall we Kyuu?" Kyuu nods as she prepares to run.

"GO!" They take off running, dodging left & right out of the way of trees. As Roujin begins to pass Kyuu she becomes angered; she then drops down kicking Roujin?s feet out from under him. He tumbles to the ground as she runs on past.

As Kyuu nears her camp Roujin drops from a tree landing infornt of her. Kyuu unable to stop plows into Roujin, knocking him to the ground. Kyuu falls off Roujin as they continue skipping across the ground. They both come to a stop just inside Kyuu?s camp area. Kyuu stands up, her ninja suit ripped so that the right side of her torso can be seen, her bra covered in dirt. As she walks off towards her cave Roujin notices a mark on her right arm. A blue tattoo of a feline paw.

After Kyuu had entered the cave the old lady jumps down from the tree above Roujin. "I know you, Tora, right? "You are correct." She answers. "If you don?t mind me asking, why do you stand up for the un-human race?" "I once had a child, she was an outcast because of her race. This happened before the war, & was so frowned down upon it was almost illegal, but I fell in love with an animal. He was a very mighty beast, but I was consider an outcast for my love, & her a bigger outcast because she had cat like features." She pauses.

"After the war there were to many to find my beloved child. And I can?t help but thing that if things would have been different, well it wouldn?t have been so bad." Roujin thinks before asking. "This beast, he was a tiger, wasn?t he?" The lady lowers her head as she answers. "Yes." "Mouko?" Tora is surprised by Roujin?s words. "Yes, how did you know?"

"Mouko" Roujin begins. "was a beast of legends. His front right paw was blue. He fought in many human beast wars in the 1600?s, but he disappeared in 1699 hours before the final battle." Tora nods. "He warned the other beast, but they didn?t listen." She continues. "Every hundred years his body turns to stone for one hundred years. I studying strange animals was my job, & when I heard of Mouko I dedicated every scrap of free time to understanding him." She pauses.

"In 1991 I learned of a statue that looked exactly like him. Immediately I brought it, & took it to my home for study. It had the most realistic eyes, & even a blue paw like the stories told. I always knew there was something special about that statue. Eight and a half years later on December 31, 1999 I stayed up till twelve o?clock knowing that it had to be him. That night the stone statue came back to life. Exactly nine months later I gave birth to a small girl. Because she was half cat my family was rejected by society. When they wouldn?t let us leave the hospital Mouko took his first step into a city to save us. We ran to the mountains were we waited until everything blew over, then slowly we moved closer to other people."

Roujin interrupts. "What went wrong?" Tora looks at the ground as she continues. "2015, the day they dropped the bomb, was the day Mouko didn?t return from his daily hunt. The rest you can probably guess." Tora slowly walks away from the open area. "One last thing." Roujin shouts out to her. "Are you going to tell her?" Tora stops in her tracks. "No, nor should you." She disappears into the forest.

Kyuu walks out of the cave. "What?s taking so long?" "Nothing." Answers Roujin. Roujin follows Kyuu back into her cave.

Not to long later. Roujin leaps from the top of the waterfall, spinning in the air, then splashing into the water below. He surfaces, then moves to the other side of the pool from Kyuu, who unlike Roujin isn?t wearing her suit, but instead a brown leather bikini, & top. Roujin glances around the pool as she moves closer to him. He sees an opening under the water leading through the stone wall located behind the waterfall.

Roujin dives towards the waterfall, swimming through the falling water, & through the opening. He sinks down below the passage. As Kyuu swims through the opening Roujin shoves his arms up, his left hand griping her top, & his left grabbing the side strap of her bottom. He throws her downward at the seemingly endless bottom. Roujin?s skin rips from his growing fur as he invokes his wolven side. Jumping from the water he digs his claws into the stone wall.

Kyuu on feline form jumps from the water, her top now constricting her because of the enlargement of her breast while invoking her cat-like features. Roujin leaps down at her. As they meet in mid-air Roujin moves to the side trying to dodge her claws, but fails. She slices through his ninja suit, cutting it on the left side, from his neck to his waist.

Roujin splashes back into the water, while Kyuu kick from the wall higher into the air. She lands upon a platform high above the water. Roujin Jumps to the wall left of the platform without making a sound. Kyuu reaches behind herself uniting her top, she loosen it, then re-ties it. "Would you like to take time to and fix your clothes." She turns to face Roujin while smiling. Roujin slightly blushes. "I?m only here waiting to strike!" "Keep telling yourself that, you can?t always be professorial. Well, I?m ready, so strike."

Roujin jumps from the wall landing upon the same platform as Kyuu. Roujin walks up to Kyuu who does nothing. He swings his claw at her. She ducts down, then jumps back. "Whoa! You?re serious!" "Why would I not be?" Roujin answers. As he moves in for another attack Kyuu leaps forward kicking him with both feet. Roujin is thrown from the ledge into the water below.

Kyuu looks down into the water, but even with her infravision cannot see Roujin. Then she sees something stirring in the water. She jumps toward it as Roujin jumps from the water. As they meet in air this time Roujin blocks her claws, returning an attack of his own. He shoves his claws into the wall, as she splashes into the water. Kyuu sticks her head out of the water to see her top floating next to her. "I told you, you can?t always be professorial." As she speaks a cloth hits her in the face.

She lifts the cloth up to see it is her ninja suit. "And you cannot fight topless." Roujin yells down to her. Kyuu puts on her suit leaving it a little loose on her body. They both jump again. This time as they close in Kyuu performs a back flip trying to kick Roujin, but is stop when he catches her feet, then throws her into the water.

As Roujin enters the water. He grabs the bikini top floating on the top of the water, placing it in his suit. Kyuu swims at him, swinging her claws around at his face. Roujin ducts under, then kicks her away. He then swims down towards the bottom. After swimming eight yards down he still cannot see the bottom, just many more passages leading off in many different directions. Just as he stops swimming an elbow hits him in the neck causing him to loose his air.

After hitting him Kyuu grabs the back of his suit, throwing him at the surface. Roujin reaches the surface, taking in a breath of air. Kyuu comes up beside him. "Where is this place?" He asks. "I don?t really know, I have never had a need to really explore in here." "This has got to be the main water supply of this side of the planet." Roujin explains. Kyuu gives him a puzzled look. "So?" She asks puzzled. "I?ll be right back." He takes in a breath of air, then dives under. Swimming down he notices which path has the perfect angle & depth.

He picks the path closest to the top heading east. He digs his claws into the side of the tunnel moving as fast as he can. Roujin stops as the tunnel turns up. He looks around the turn to see sunlight. He swims to the top, looking around he sees the middle of the human town. Roujin quickly takes another breath of air, moving back underwater, & climbing through the tunnel, until reaching the main supply, where he swims to the top.

Kyuu yells down from the platform. "What took you so long?" "There is an underwater tunnel leading to the village where I once lived. But, I do not think that seems to matter now." "You going to stay here?" Kyuu asks in a joyful tone of voice. "I cannot return to that town, so I have consider sleeping out in the forest." Roujin jumps up to the platform. He notices Kyuu has changed back to her human form, also that her suit is half-open.

"I shall be leaving now." Roujin says as he jumps from the platform towards the exit. After getting out of the pool he begins to walk towards the forest. He hears Kyuu?s voice call out to him. "Please," He turns to face her. "stay here, you can sleep in the cave, on the opposite side if you like." He notices her suit fully done up. "What about under the bed?" He asks. "If that?s what you want, then sure."

They walk into the cave. "You may want to turn around, I need to change my clothes." Kyuu announces. Roujin turns around, while Kyuu walks to the wall where her clothes hang. Roujin uses each separate drop of water in the waterfall as a mirror to see behind himself, at Kyuu as she changes clothes. As Kyuu turns around to see the human form of Roujin standing at the entrance.

"I may not have been human before the nuclear war, but aren?t you supposed to wear underwear when you are wearing a skirt?" Kyuu rolls her eyes as she picks a pair of panties from the table, putting them on. "Are you hungry?" She asks. "You mean there?s food around here?" "Yes." She says as she points to a freshly killed mutant rabbit. "Hand that creature here." Kyuu picks up the huge rabbit handing it to Roujin, who walks outside. Kyuu walks out behind him, watching as he takes his katana from its sheath, stabbing it through the rabbit.

"What are you doing?" Roujin throws the rabbit aside. "Ready?" He asks. "For what?" "To see what it is like to be with the humans." She gives him a strange look. "Just follow me!" He commands. He puts his katana on his back along with his coat, then begins running east.

As they reach the silver gate Kyuu grabs his shoulder, stopping him from knocking on the silver gate. "You can?t be serious!" "Do not worry, everything will be ok." Roujin knocks three times on the silver gate. The gate opens, behind it stands Kei & Inu. "Roujin, you are no longer wanted in this town! Now, please leave." Roujin looks at Kei. "Shut up, and please clear the way, I have a guest with me." Kei looks behind Roujin, at Kyuu." "What happened to the two you left with earlier?" Kei demands. "Dead. The girl turned on us. She killed the old woman, but was no match for me." Roujin pulls his katana from its sheath showing Kei the dried blood.

"If you ever try anything like that again Inu & I will hunt you down personally, do you understand that?" "Yes, although I don?t think it would really matter, seeing as though I am the best human fighter." Kei steps aside, pulling Inu with him. Before Inu can even begin to bark, Roujin stares into his eyes urging him not to.

Roujin & Kyuu walk through the town, and to the pub. Inside they take a seat at a table in the back. "How come there?s no one here?" Kyuu asks. "It is very late, ever one is this a sleep now." "Oh." Roujin reads her the menu. "Now what would you like?" "Chicken." Roujin walks to the bar, where he orders two chickens, two mugs, & four bottles of ale. The bartender goes into the back, walking back out with a tray, on in sits two baked chickens, two glasses, & three bottles of ale. "Sorry sir, that?s all the ale we have." Explains the bartender. Roujin throws a few medals on the bar before walking back to the table.

He sits the tray down upon the table, then hands Kyuu a plate of chicken. "Eat properly." "Do I look like a beast to you?" "Not at the moment, kitty girl." Roujin picks up his plate of chicken putting it infront of his seat. After taking the mugs & ale from the tray he returns it to the bar.

Upon returning he opens a bottle of ale, pouring it into the mugs. "Have you ever had ale before?" Roujin asks. "No." Kyuu answers. Roujin begins to eat.

About fifthteen minutes later, when their chicken has been finished, & they begin working on the second bottle of ale. Kyuu begins to look out into the room while moving drunkenly. "So will we be staying in town to night? She asks. "No, and will you please move your foot?" Kyuu pulls her foot out of Roujin?s lap. As they finish the second bottle of ale Kyuu stands up, but tumbles over onto Roujin. He lifts her up, putting her back into her chair. Straightening her out he notices her cat ears beginning to show.

He lifts the last bottle of ale from the table, putting it in his coat, he then throws Kyuu over his shoulder. He pulls down her skirt so that her panties cannot be seen. He runs out the pub, then to the wall next to the entrance. Roujin jumps up, stepping up the wall, he reaches the top, jumping over. After landing he runs as fast as his human form can, back to the waterfall.

Upon reaching the waterfall he quick runs inside the cave, laying Kyuu down upon the bed. Roujin is shocked, not by the fact that Kyuu?s clothes had begun to rip off from the increase of her body size as she transformed, but at the fact that she was now covered in small cat fur. The fur covered her entire body, including her breast, which caught Roujin?s attention.

Roujin places cover lying on the bed upon Kyuu?s body, before lying down, & rolling under her bed. Roujin is awoken during the night by a loud thump. He opens his eyes to see Kyuu rolled under the bed beside him, her fur now thicker, & her right palm blue. She rolls over again, now lying on top of him, with her top completely ripped, & her skirt falling off. Roujin only rolls over, so that she lays on his back. He then goes back to sleep.

Hours later he is again awoken, this time by Kyuu moving. She lifts her head, hitting it on the bed. "Ouch! How did I get under the bed?" Kyuu quick moves from under the bed, her top falls beside her, as her skirt falls to her human ankles. "You were a full feline last night." Roujin says from under the bed. "You mean we" She is interrupted by Roujin. "No, you had a drunken sleep walk. Although you should be glad you were full feline, it stops the hang over." "Full feline, what do you mean?" "Normally when a half human, half beast transforms into their beast side it is not a full transformation, but last night you were covered in fur."

Kyuu tries to pull Roujin from under the bed, but he refuses to move. "Put some clothes on first!" Kyuu puts her ninja suit on, over her slightly torn undergarments. "So what does this transformation mean?" Roujin tries to explain. "Do you not remember your life from before the war?" "No, my memories start right after the war." "You are the daughter of great and powerful tiger, your mother had to have been human, making you a non-changeable half feline. The radiation from the bomb must have combined that half with another half, & stored it deep within you."

"Which means what?" Kyuu asks again. "It means you will be able to transform into a creature as strong as my full werewolf side is." "Then will you accept me?" "I doubt that will happen so easily." "So easily? So there is a chance!" "Do not get your hopes up, there?s a chance of anything happening, but you don?t see chickens ruling the world do you?" Kyuu stands up. "Can you teach me to use my other form?" "No, I am sorry, but your case is different. My human, & semi-human forms were one, but you have three forms."

"So there?s no help for me?" Kyuu says sadly. "There may be. My master taught me to use my other side, he may be able to teach you too." Roujin moves out from under the bed. "Where is your master?" She asks. "I shall take you there, but first I need to stretch. Roujin walks outside, followed by Kyuu.

"See if you can keep up with me." He says as he his skin rips, being replaced with fur. Kyuu in turn transforms into her feline side. Roujin runs towards the pool, running on the water, then leaping into the falling water, which he kicks using it as a latter to climb. When he reaches the top he leaps off backwards, performing a backflip, then landing beside Kyuu.

Kyuu takes a step back, then runs as fast as she can. While running across the water she jumps at the waterfall, but instead of climbing, she enters the stream of water, falling into the pool. She climbs out of the pool. "I will help. Try that again." Kyuu begins again. She runs across the water as Roujin jumps above it. Kyuu jumps up, but instead of climbing the waterfall, kicks off Roujin?s shoulders.

Upon reaching the top she jumps off backwards, with her body spread out. She lands in the arms of Roujin. He puts her down then begins traveling southeast as she follows.

By noon they reached the forest where Roujin?s master stays. "Master." Roujin calls out. "Master come now! I have a new student for you." Master?s voice can be heard from above. "A feline? Do not tell me, you are out of your mind? Why would I teach a feline?" "Master she too can transform into a real beast, but her human & non-human forms are not one." ?Then you train her." Master shouts from above.

"But Master, I don?t know how to train her!" Roujin shouts back. "Oh, alright. Leave her with me." Roujin bows. "Thank you Master. Now I will return to my home. Kyuu, I?ll talk to you later when you leave on your way home." Kyuu waves good-bye to Roujin as he runs north through the forrest.

Roujin stops at the entrance of the human city where he lives. He looks on in horror at the broken gate, leading into the city enveloped in darkness. He runs through the gate, stopping to look at a pile of dust lying on the ground. Roujin twist his wrist pulling a throwing knife up into his right hand. Walking through the empty streets he notices someone standing on a building?s top. Through infravision Roujin could see the man?s widow?s peak.

Two more men walk in from nowhere, standing beside the man. Roujin draws his katana in his left hand. As the two vampiric men jump at him he throws his knife at one, turning him to dust, while the other he slices in half. Roujin looks back at the top of the building seeing nothing. Two more vampiric men appear, these behind him grabbing hold of his arms. As they move close to bite him he slings the one on his right off, then taking another throwing knife he stabs the one to his left, it turns to dust, floating down to the ground. Roujin spins around slicing the other?s arms off, then periceing its heart.

Roujin quickly turns around throwing another knife, but the vampire only disappears. The master vampire reappears upon the rooftop. "Hahaha, Valmok cannot be defeated as easily as those stupid human breed weaklings, although I?m sure you already knew that wolf man." Valmok reappears above Roujin, who dives out the way of his sword.

Valmok flies at Roujin swinging his blade. Roujin uses both hands while blocking, but is barely able to hold his blade steady. Valmok goes for a mighty swing once more. Roujin takes this opening. He jumps back from the blade?s path, then he gives out a loud howl as he changes into his wolf skin. Roujin?s blade clashes with Valmok, this time they are evenly matched.

In Master?s forest Kyuu sits upon a fallen log. "How much longer before I start training." "I cannot train you, only point you in the right direction. And that direction is there." Master points in the direction of the human city. Kyuu looks towards the city seeing a black cloud above it. "But what?s going on?" She turns around, but Master is gone. Kyuu?s fur goes out as her body takes out cat like features.

Roujin jumps to the side of a building, leaping to a crate. He jumps from the crate as Valmok cuts it to pieces. Roujin throws three knives down at Valmok?s back as he passes over him. Just as the blades enter his skin he disappears. "It seems as though you don?t like playing fair." Roujin says as he spins around blocking another attack. "Would you really like me to play fair?" Valmok pushes down with his sword before jumping back. "It does not matter I shall win either win." "You?re on!"

Roujin rushes in. He swings upward with all his might, knocking the sword from Valmok?s hands, then slicing at his side. The sword cuts only air as Valmok teleaports to his sword. Roujin becomes enraged. "What happened to fighting fair?" Valmok only laughs. Roujin again rushes in for his attack. With every swing Valmok disappears, reappearing after the blade had passed.

Valmok yells out in terror to his master as his teleaportion speed becomes slower & slower. "Master why?" The master vampire stands atop the roof of a building holding out his arm, with the curl of his fist binding Valmok?s power. As the vampire?s fist closed Valmok was held in place, while Roujin cut him down. Valmok falls to the ground in two pieces. Roujin turns his katana upside down, thrusting it into Valmok?s chest, turning him to dust.

Roujin is startled by the master vampire?s voice coming from right behind him. "Just because I wouldn?t let him break is word don?t mean I?m going to fight fair." "Thank you for warning me. Kyonshi is it? King of the vampires, also the only one left with a widow?s peak." Kyonshi snaps his fingers. Many of the town?s people begin pouring out of the surrounding homes. They all look as pale as snow, and hiss at Roujin.

Kyonshi commands them to restrain Roujin. They jump at him, he is able to knock the first five aside, but he was soon out numbered. Kyonshi floats to Roujin as the town?s people hold him. "You?ll make a great addition to my warriors." A voice calls out catching the vampiric master?s attention. "Hey bitch, back off, he?s mine!"

Kyonshi turns around to see Kyuu standing near the entrance. "You?re nothing but a human made feline." He commands the town?s people to attack. Kyuu yells out as Kyonshi begins to move in so he can bite Roujin. "YOU?RE WRONG!" Kyonshi ignores her yell on continues to lean closer to Roujin, but is stopped by Kyuu?s full feline hand grabbing his shoulder, throwing him to the ground. Kyuu then beats the pale men & women holding Roujin from his body.

Roujin howls as his eyes flash red. Kyuu pops him on the butt with her tail. "Now is not the time for that." Roujin says as he smiles. Kyonshi seeing this begins to laugh. "A feline, & a wolfman, what a team." Roujin readies his katana, while Kyuu draws hers. They run forward Roujin leading.

Roujin dives forward as Kyonshi begins to teleaport. Kyuu jumps backward into the air, then performs a backflip kicking Kyonshi forward, causing him to stumble forward onto Roujin?s blade. The blade pierces his shoulder. Roujin twist the blade, then cuts through Kyonshi?s chest stopping before hitting his heart. "Why stop now boy?" Roujin pulls his katana from Kyonshi?s body.

Roujin helps Kyonshi to his feet. "There is a woman here who seems to love you. I can smell her scent upon you, filled with love. If you can turn these men back to normal I will let you live, & you may take her with you." Kyonshi calls out. "Reinu, please come to me." "Reinu, the slave girl?" Roujin says in a shocked tone of voice. A young girl about the age of seventeen, covered in cuts, & bruises, stumbles out of a broken down house.

Kyonshi teleports to Reinu?s side, then disappears. As the black cloud above slowly fades away the town?s people turn back human. Kyuu jumps to Roujin?s side. As the humans being moving they are shocked at the two creatures in their town. Roujin yells out to them. "You have nothing to fear. The vampire has left." Hanta stands up loading his rifle with a silver bullet. Roujin, angered by this yells at him. "Damn it Hanta, why are you so paranoid?" "How do you know my name?" Hanta demands.

Roujin growls as his fur is pulled back under his skin. The town gasps in shock. Kei speaks up. "But how can you get past Inu undetected?" "I am a full blooded werewolf." "Then why help the humans?" Kira asks. "Because I am half myself. Now do you see why I want us to live in peace with the other races? Put aside what has happened today, & please atleast try to work with my kind." The crowd roars, but calms down as Hanta steps forward. "I for one would like peace, after this day I?ve had enough of this business, & would like to settle down & plant a farm.

Many others step forward speaking of the same natured things. Kyuu?s smile slowly disappears as she feels something spiritual leave her body. "Roujin, I?m not feeling very well." Roujin looks at her. "I have to leave now. Please think this over." Roujin grabs Kyuu, then leaps over the giant wall. After landing he puts her down, but she cannot stand. He catches her before she falls, then he runs to her cave.

By the time he reaches Kyuu?s cave she had passed out. Roujin carries her in the cave, then lays her upon the bed. She opens her eyes as he pulls the covers over her. "I?ll be alright, I just need a little rest." "Then rest you shall." Roujin leaves the cave as Kyuu drifts to sleep once again. "Her scent, it has changed. Her mating time has passed. But, what does that mean?" "It just means that she will want love in place of sex." Master?s voice says from the tree tops. Roujin looks around, unable to see his master he returns to the cave where he goes to sleep under the bed.

The next morning when Roujin awakes he moves from under the bed to see Kyuu, half feline, still asleep. Roujin grabs the cover, pulling it back to wake her, but he also grabbed her suit, pulling it open. Kyuu leaps up from her sleep, slapping Roujin in the face. Her new scent becomes stronger as she transforms into full feline. A drop of Roujin?s blood splashes on the floor.

Roujin leaps back from her bed. Kyuu moves toward him. "I?m sorry, I did" Roujin interrupts. "No, it was my fault, I accidentally pulled at your clothes." Kyuu looks down noticing that her clothes still hang open. She quickly folds the open flap close, as she begins to blush. "I have decided" Roujin begins. "that if you still want me, I am ready for a real friendship, although that is only if you can beat me in a fight." Kyuu yawns. "That?s nice, I guess I could use a good fight."

Kyuu hisses as her body reverts back to half feline. "Why are you half if you want a good fight?" "I don?t know it just happened." Roujin looks puzzled. "Did Master not teach you to control it?" "All he said was he could show me the road, which was at the human?s city." "Well, I guess I?ll have to go easy on you then." Roujin says as he walks from the cave.

They soon reach the destructed city where so many battles had took place before. Roujin?s skin rips as he transforms to his wolven side. Roujin softly speaks to himself as they ready for battle. "Her new scent. Could it be? Yes, it is just the same as the smell on Kyonshi. It is the smell of love. True human love. Both fighters draw their katanas. "Lets see you keep up with me." He says to Kyuu as he leaps backwards from building top to building top.

Soon Kyuu catches Roujin, who has stopped upon the strongest looking building. As she jumps in to attack, Roujin stomps on the roof, breaking through it. He hits the floor below that, breaking through. This continuously happens until he reaches the cement basement eight stories down. A piece of rubble strikes a switch, which turns the generator on.

Roujin throws down his sword as he watches Kyuu falling down towards him. A computer screen comes on in the basement. Kyuu falls into Roujin?s arms, dropping her sword. The screen display reads. "Secondary nuke reentry in 10"

Roujin looks into Kyuu?s eyes.


She smiles as she transforms into full feline.


"I don?t understand." She says.


"It was the power of love that causes you to transform."


Roujin continues. "Not just a beast?s will to mate, but true human love."


Roujin lets Kyuu to her feet.


They continue to stare into each other?s eyes.


They wrap their arms around each other, pulling themselves close together.


As they kiss a small pink aura sprouts from them.

My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
alright, I just put it in a word file and will probably get around to reading it sometime later :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
Yeah, it's a bit mre than a right before bed reading. All 14 1/2 pages of it. I was so pround when I "finished" it. It's part of a 5 short story set, the second part is about Kyonshi, the vampire at the end. & after the other 3 (one of an elf, a super human, & a demon) are added there's more of what happens after the ending of each story. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
yeah, I will readi it bit by bit along the way but i dont think I will print it out because it will use up so much paper.
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
Yeah, I know what you mean, that's one of the reasons that story doesn't get passed around much.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
yeah, well batz what you might try doing is making a website, maybe not .com but just like an angelfire one that everyone on this site and other people you want to see your work know about. then just post your stuff as you finish it and there is no need to print it out or send it to everyone. :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
to late for that one, I've already had 3 or so sites like that. They die, & I can't say I miss them much. No traffic, & I rarely ever updated, & all my helpers did nothing because only one of them knew how to upload, & he still didn't understand html.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
yeah, well I probably wouldnt do any better, I know next to nothing. but did you tell anyone about your websites? it helps to advertise. :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
Yeah, but no one really cares. My own mom thinks unless I'm getting payed it's a complete waste of time. But, since a few of my friends like to read my work I keep it coming, sometimereally really slowly, but it still comes.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
yeah, well keep at it. as they say its 1% insperation and 99% persperation. and tell your mom that if you ever land a career as a succesful writer you can be getting payed preeety nicely. :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]

Yeah, my mom also says I can't be a shrink because I don't care enough, & I can't be in a punk band because I can't play bass, or sing, which she's right about the band, but I think I can be a shrink.

Play tic-tac-toe all day, & tell people what they already know, & get about 100 bucks an hour, sounds like the job for me. But, really I like helping people, & I know a lot about things such as life.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
everyone tells me i should be a lawyer. probably because I always try to find loop holes around everything.

mostly because I am lazy but then again I do like disproving people. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

:mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
Same here, I can, or atleast used to be able to argue with a sign post, & I do find loop hole in just about everything. That was the job my mom wanted me to get, but it's not for me.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
yeah, like I have gotten out of doing homework on more than one occation by showing the teacher that he did not actually tell us to do it :mrgreen:
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
I only wish I had that kind of power, I have a report due tomarrow, & a lot of other crap to do too.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html

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