FX Trigun review
Hey guys, nice site!

I know it's only recently been released but if anyone out there has the FX version of the Trigun series, would they mind posting a review of it. FX is well regarded for producing top quality R1 rips (Cowboy Bebop anyone?) but it does help to be carefull when looking at getting HK anime, im sure it will be every bit as good though.

Also does anybody have any news on future releases by FX, particularly R1 rips? They tend to be very secretive but any rumors would be appreciated too!

Thanks in advance
Rock Ard
The above comments are solely the insane ideas and random thoughts generated within the mind of Rock Ard.
I should be receiving Ayashi No Ceres & Trigun (both FC R1 rips) within a couple days. I'll post a quick review as soon as I get a feel for their quality.

Note: The initial review will be based off the first couple episodes! I just don't have the time to watch both series in full right now. =)
Yea, the title only been released like not even 2 weeks ago so the reviews should start to come in right about now...
Yeah, i guess im just impatient? :lol:

Thanks anyway.
The above comments are solely the insane ideas and random thoughts generated within the mind of Rock Ard.
Just an update...

I will hopefully be writing the review tomorrow. The disk didn't come as soon as expected. I'll keep you posted!


Still haven't arrived. I'll post the review as soon as they show up.
Still no disks. I'll have to send out an e-mail and see if there was a delay with the order. Maybe they didn't have enough in stock? Hope that isn't the case!

Sorry that its not done yet, but I will get the review up as soon as the disks arrive.
Thanks, but you dont have to go out of your way to post the review.
In your own time!

Im waiting for my Cowboy Bebop Perfect Sessions dvd's to come in aswell!
The above comments are solely the insane ideas and random thoughts generated within the mind of Rock Ard.
Just an update:

I haven't forgot about the review, I just haven't gotten the disks yet. It seems that there has been a problem with FX's warehouse so I'm not sure when it will arrive. =(

However, I did get Ayashi no Ceres & DNA (really excited about this one) so I'll post a review of those when I get a chance.
I ordered these puppies the DAY they came out! They were awesome! ^_^ I REALLY loved them. They are EASILY the best HK dvds in my collection. ^_^ (Though, Macross: Do You Remember Love: Perfect Collection is pretty awesome.)
"You are one of the most stupid people I know! I hate you! I wish you would DIE! DIE, DIE, DIE!"-- Me, in one of my happier moods.
Thanks for that SomebodyKillMe, but alas it seems you cant order anything but anime studio titles anymore from this site and all the ebay Trigun titles are not the FX version. What am i to do? maybe animaniacs will have it.
The above comments are solely the insane ideas and random thoughts generated within the mind of Rock Ard.
ANIMEniacs has it for thirty-five bucks, I THINK. :^/
"You are one of the most stupid people I know! I hate you! I wish you would DIE! DIE, DIE, DIE!"-- Me, in one of my happier moods.
Yes they do.
It's not even out yet. How can you have it SomebodyKillMe. I ordered it 2 weeks ago along with cowboy bebop, Tenchi Universe, and Outlaw Star (which I recieved). I had e-mailed the guy at ANIMEniacs and he said it was still in a pre-order state.
Are you sure about that, +Pepsidude+? I have it. *_* I swear. It's on my computer desk RIGHT now. *_*
"You are one of the most stupid people I know! I hate you! I wish you would DIE! DIE, DIE, DIE!"-- Me, in one of my happier moods.
uhuh...The FX 3 disc release? yeah. Sure.

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