Anime Pictures, pictures of what i look like.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu

Also, one other question about Japan. Is it really dirty there, as in litter grime and trash? Seeing many pictures, it always seems like Japan isn't well taken care of in a lot of areas...

Yes someplaces it is.. but i think why it looks more rundown is because of the nature.. You see alot of bars on house windows and stores here.. its not because of crime but because of Typhoons so less chance of something breaking your window.. Also some places it may looked trashed just because the nature of how close people live here.. i mean its litterly cramped as you see in the one pic of looking up the street.. Thats a two way street but actually only 1 car can fit up it and you have to deal with people parking on teh sides.. but if you go to alot of major city's like Chicago and Atlanta just to name some i have been to they are dirty as hell..

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Anime Pictures, pictures of what i look like. - by Schultz - 06-30-2003, 03:32 AM

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