09-28-2008, 10:45 AM
Well if I had the choice of blu ray or regular dvd's, I'd chose the better quality video for the blu ray in an instant!! It's just that I'd rather not put a lot of extra usage on the PS3 player... probably doesn't make any difference... but still.. there's that question about the ps2 playing dvd's, they tend to quit reading disks if you play them as a dvd player a lot.. besides, we have 5 dvd players...
lol in the same respect I'm hanging onto my Game Cube, instead of using the Wii to play the GC games... although we haven't even played any GC games since we bought the Wii!!

lol in the same respect I'm hanging onto my Game Cube, instead of using the Wii to play the GC games... although we haven't even played any GC games since we bought the Wii!!