Hey guys, long time no see.
Its been awhile and now that the store is closed I don't know where to buy dvds. Anyone buy from a trust worthy store that has as nice a selection, as good prices and as quick shipping as Import Anime used too?
Where do you buy your DVDs these days?
I hate when I do that... (lost my reply) guess I'll start all over now...
I think most of us either buy R1's on sale, or download fan subs these days... You can check out the DVD trading Forum, I have some HK's I'd like to get rid of, we can't offer them for sale on the forum, (although that might be a mote point since the store is no longer available) but you can always PM the person with an offer.
For commercial stuff I use Another Heaven:
Then there's Shop Anime (used to be Animekrazy, I've used them in the past):
There's KCDVD (haven't bought from):
Discount Anime (haven't bought from):
Anime Nation (haven't bought from)
MiAnime (haven't bought from)
Rather small list, and most of them offer R1's as well.
Thanks! I will try a few of those places out.
I have made several purchases from KCDVD in the past few weeks and I love them. The only problem is that their forum is practically dead and they do not have a lot of stuff that I want.
About KCDVD: if you send $200 they give you 25% off so 3 disc boxed sets cost $15.75. Shipping is $5 no matter what you order and it takes like literally like two days to get my stuff. They have a no-nonsense dvd replacement policy and gave me two replacement FMA dvds hassle free. They even have 50% sales from time to time.
Sounds perfect right? Well not if they don't have what I want. I have like 30 shows that I want to find HK sets for. Looks like Discount Anime DVD has some of them, including Zombie Loan!
Quote:I think most of us either buy R1's on sale, or download fan subs these days...
I did the fansubbs myself for a while and I just can't anymore. Watching TV for hours on my computer hurts my eyes and my back. I like my expensive couch and my nice TV. I even tried encoding fansubbs and burning them to a disc but holy crap it took forever and then it looked terrible.
I buy the R1s myself if I enjoy a series and then pass along the HKs to any friend that asks to borrow my R1 set. R1s like Full Metal Alchemist and Scrapped Princess will find their way into my collection whereas Solty Rei will not. Unless its already one of the Anime Legends that can be found on Amazon for $30-$40 a
series I would rather pay the $15 and watch it first before I buy it.
I certainly can understand that one... anime isn't cheap by any means... lol.. we do a lot of the fan subs and for the most part encode and write them to dvdr and watch them on TV, cause I like my couch and big screen TV too... although lately I haven't been so busy with it, need to get some series from my daughters computer... we actually just found a decent program that will take mkv's and make them avi's with the subs!!
We got a dvd player that plays avi files, although it seems for the most part they still get written out because invariably one of the stupid avi files won't play on it for some reason.. so then we have to take a break, while I move them over to the computer, encode them, write them out, make nice pretty little menus and then we go back to watching whatever series...
We are currently on XXXholic and are almost finished with season 1... we've seen Zombie Loan and enjoyed it... ending was pretty open so maybe they'll do another season of it... my next pick will probably be Tokko since I've seen about 4 episodes on Adult Swim and liked it... and I have the R1's I picked up at a Best Buy sale...
I only buy R1's nowadays. Anything less looks like crap on an hd tv. Heck, half the real dvds look like crap when you're used to bluray.
Laugh... yeah, that's true, but I'm not about to trash all my dvd's and switch to Blu Rays... we have one Blu Ray movie, and that's Speed Racer which my son wanted...
I sold most my dvds when I got to about 30 bluray. Problem is, when I went to watch something i realized I was always going to my bluray movies and bypassing my dvds. Only dvds i kept were movies I know or think I know won't be out on bluray in the next couple years.
Well if I had the choice of blu ray or regular dvd's, I'd chose the better quality video for the blu ray in an instant!! It's just that I'd rather not put a lot of extra usage on the PS3 player... probably doesn't make any difference... but still.. there's that question about the ps2 playing dvd's, they tend to quit reading disks if you play them as a dvd player a lot.. besides, we have 5 dvd players...
lol in the same respect I'm hanging onto my Game Cube, instead of using the Wii to play the GC games... although we haven't even played any GC games since we bought the Wii!!
Ya that's really not an issue anymore. Of course, 99% of the time i'm using my ps3 it's for blu-ray. The things got almost no good exclusives. The only game I even own for it is metal gear solid 4.
Yeah, my son has a PS3 and about 12 games for it, he just picked up an Xbox 360 and has 2, no wait, 3 cause I picked up one in trade, waiting for him to decide if he wants to keep it or not... lol...
How old is your son? I can make suggestions if you want. For both games currently out and coming out, the 360 has way more interesting exclusives.
He's 26.. so he has definite likes and dislikes... lol... I just usually ask him if he'd be interested in this one or that one.. or if there's something he wants me to look for... generally he just picks up whatever game he wants...
Amethyst Wrote:He's 26.. so he has definite likes and dislikes... lol... I just usually ask him if he'd be interested in this one or that one.. or if there's something he wants me to look for... generally he just picks up whatever game he wants...
Wow i sure would like you to be my dad

I recommend downloading fansubs, that might be a good idea.