The RIAA: Tools of a Greedy Industry
Haven?t read the article but the way I see it the Music industry is messed up.

True artists who write their own songs don?t get the contracts anymore or certainly don?t get the marketing support the Britney?s and Christina?s get. A lot of the bands that do have contracts bring out rubbish, 40 minute albums with 2 good songs that make the charts and the rest is filler.

Then I very much feel that the price of a cd should be brought down to like $5 before I?ll start buying them again. Cd?s are still the same price as they were when they were released and no one had a cd player yet. Then they became super popular but the price stayed the same (opposed to dvd where the price went down 50%). Its an artificial price that in no way has anything to do with production cost. Artists should make the bulk of their cash with performing on stage and draw the crowd with their albums. A well known singer in my country can make 50.000 a night. I imagine in the US the good performers could make multiple times that amount per night. No one can convince me that they need the millions and millions from record sales to make a living, especially those metalica fuckers (who I loved till their parade against file sharing). And the music industry certainly doesn?t deserve the money with their current trend of pop idol singers and other artificially created ?artists?.

God, I HATE the music industry.

Messages In This Thread
The RIAA: Tools of a Greedy Industry - by Blight - 12-13-2006, 10:47 AM
The RIAA: Tools of a Greedy Industry - by Schultz - 12-13-2006, 06:52 PM
The RIAA: Tools of a Greedy Industry - by Elcoholic - 12-14-2006, 04:55 AM
The RIAA: Tools of a Greedy Industry - by zrdb - 12-20-2006, 02:10 PM

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