12-08-2006, 08:42 AM
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Guess what? I'm watching Home Alone 2 right now! I woke up a few minutes ago, turned on the tv and there it was. Quite the coincidence.
Anyway, it would only be weird for a 40 year old guy to watch something like Home Alone, in the cinema, on his own because society has labeled it as weird not because it really is. I do wish the man wasn't alone though, it's much better to go to the cinema with some company. :p
I have the 1-4 boxset :o Home Alone 4 is a travesty though :mad: True society loves to label! Doubt I would go the cinema to see a new one though (not that I hope they make one!). I would just take a niece or nephew as a cover story lol.