Final Fantasy Unlimited and Patlabor WXIII
I have another stupid moment that happen not too long ago like about a week ago...

Working 911 get a call scared freaked out woman screaming about her kid.
What did he do you ask... ate her birth control pills 3 of them. Now I was like is it a boy or a girl ...Boy... ok how old 6... now here's the fun part I call an EMT friend to transfere the phone and have her talk to the mother. And this is what she ask...

Mama did he eat the red or the green pills... she answers "the green ones"
Do you know what the green pills are....They are sugar pills they are there just to keep a woman in a rythm of taken her pills...

This has been another episode of the dumb and the rednecks join me next tiem when we discuss a woman driver wondering why her oil light is on...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!

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Final Fantasy Unlimited and Patlabor WXIII - by morgorath - 12-05-2002, 02:02 PM

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