Nintendo truly has gone off the deep end
(I bet Gubi thinks we are stupid for having this convo spurt cause that wasn?t what he meant to begin with but?)Yeah, having a HD is essential for a good MMO playing experience. That is one thing that is an important part of game play that a HD is legally used for. Other than that, yeah lots of illegal uses. There are cool features available sure, but at the cost of one of THEIR hard drives it sucks and aint worth it. I like how nintend is doing it. If you make it an option that is completely up to the user, that?s great, but don?t force it down peoples throats. If you are like me, you really don?t play MMO?s because they are time sinks. That being a major reason to get a HD, people like me would be pissed to HAVE to pay for that unwanted functionality. And for the record, Nintendo has stated that you can have extra storage through the use of their USB ports. Here is the link.

But other than that, name doesn?t even matter to me anymore. It was really shocking at first, which is why I s was so angry, but I?m gonna go pre-order my Wii some time next week. I?m just glad they didn?t unveil the name at E3. That would have gone over like a lead balloon. Giving the name some time to sink in is a good idea. Though not naming it Wii would?ve been a better one. Oh well, I don?t play many games lately any how; hoping Wii will change my dieing interest.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
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Nintendo truly has gone off the deep end - by Blight - 04-30-2006, 04:29 PM

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