Now since the Fullmetal Alchemist Box Set 1 is out...
beboprules Wrote:The translation of first 3 episodes were altered to Disney-like (many jokes were lost in the process), propably aimed for little kids. Then episode 4, all of certain, it picked up. It was almost as though they changed the traslator in the middle of it. It's still missing the song 6 o'clock news which is better of 2 OP in my opinion.

Can you give some examples? I didn't really notice anything that seemed like that. Are you talking about the dub script or the sub script? The dub script is obviously watered down but the sub script had words like pimp and stuff in it that wasn't in the dub.

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Now since the Fullmetal Alchemist Box Set 1 is out... - by gubi-gubi - 04-29-2006, 10:06 AM

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