Its time to give me you're impressions guys?

Video quality and the usual mix and don't be afriad to use PROS and CONS

Thanks for your time guys I will be waiting for your responses..
For anyone who has FMA is it a 26 episode set? EZ pulling a MAC and puting 13 episodes of Gunslinger Girl on one disc is freaking me out a little.
I heard weeks ago that a FMA dubbed set was on the way glad to who said it was not full of crap.
I really hope the quality for this set is good. For the Chrno Crusade set as well.
I'm just burning FMA personally. Bought the white tin box thing to hold em in. Looks really nice. Been doing that a lot lately. Just buy the box and put all the burned dvds in there. Still supports em a little. It's taking too much room though. >< Gonna be back to hks soon i'm sure... lol. Just don't like those ez cases. =/
Hope Ezdvd gets their act together...the last 2 sets i brought SAmurai Champloo (specially) and Elfend Lied had:mad: Subtitles issues and problems
How was the video quality for those sets? Especially Samurai Chaploo? This is a 24 episode set (3-Discs)just FYI, i read the description of another site.
jarjar111 Wrote:Its time to give me you're impressions guys?
Video quality and the usual mix and don't be afriad to use PROS and CONS
Thanks for your time guys I will be waiting for your responses..
I just posted my thoughts on this set on the arctic nightfall site since I just got this.So go there to read it.
The Swan Wrote:Hope Ezdvd gets their act together...the last 2 sets i brought SAmurai Champloo (specially) and Elfend Lied had:mad: Subtitles issues and problems
yeah, don't buy bleach either, it's horrible. seems like they can rip other people's work, but can't do their own?
Homeless Joe Wrote:yeah, don't buy bleach either, it's horrible. seems like they can rip other people's work, but can't do their own?
I hope they get their shit together soon because I've been hoping that they would release a good first set for Kodocha since I keep hearing people praise it.
Puppet Master Wrote:I hope they get their shit together soon because I've been hoping that they would release a good first set for Kodocha since I keep hearing people praise it.
MI and MAC version of Kodocha are very good. They used r2 video and fansub for the most part. Besides, R1 version of Kodocha are edited. Especially the early episodes are dumbed down. On top of that, it's missing the first opening song (replaced by second opening), preview and some other parts.
beboprules Wrote:MI and MAC version of Kodocha are very good. They used r2 video and fansub for the most part. Besides, R1 version of Kodocha are edited. Especially the early episodes are dumbed down. On top of that, it's missing the first opening song (replaced by second opening), preview and some other parts.
That's not totally true. They had to to that because the Japanese companies had a fallout with the artists who did the 1st opening but that only lasted a couple of eps anyway. The only edits are like 10seconds and they are still subbed and dubbed and that was because the artist was mentioned. The R1s are good.
The translation of first 3 episodes were altered to Disney-like (many jokes were lost in the process), propably aimed for little kids. Then episode 4, all of certain, it picked up. It was almost as though they changed the traslator in the middle of it. It's still missing the song 6 o'clock news which is better of 2 OP in my opinion.
Thanks again jeff, i have yet to see the champloo set because i have it on R1. What was the issue with the widescreen feature you were talking about? The video quality doesnt sound too bad though.. Screen caps please, if possible?:confused:
Thanks again
beboprules Wrote:The translation of first 3 episodes were altered to Disney-like (many jokes were lost in the process), propably aimed for little kids. Then episode 4, all of certain, it picked up. It was almost as though they changed the traslator in the middle of it. It's still missing the song 6 o'clock news which is better of 2 OP in my opinion.
Can you give some examples? I didn't really notice anything that seemed like that. Are you talking about the dub script or the sub script? The dub script is obviously watered down but the sub script had words like pimp and stuff in it that wasn't in the dub.
lets stay focused people......