A short update on the life and times of Zagatto
Today is the end of my second week at my new job and I have to say that I'm happier here than I've ever been at any other job I've had (anyone who's been paying attention knows how many that has been). The desk next to mine is covered with Gundam Robots. The guy who sits behind me has Berserk for the wallpaper of his monitor. We have subsidized snack machines so it only costs fifty cents for anything in the vending machines (pop, candy bars, cookies, chips...). Best of all, I'm supporting a really cool product for this great company.

In the coming months I'll be busy fixing my house up to sell and getting ready to move closer to work (this commute kind of sucks... at least I have someone to car pool with).

I've also been uploading lots of personal stuff to Google Video. You can see what I looked like back in 1989 (complete with mullet) by following this link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=...9786580547
If you follow from there you can see shorter, cuter videos of Katina as well.

Time to get ready for work now.
See you later Space Cowboys....
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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A short update on the life and times of Zagatto - by Zagatto - 03-24-2006, 04:08 AM

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