Today is the end of my second week at my new job and I have to say that I'm happier here than I've ever been at any other job I've had (anyone who's been paying attention knows how many that has been). The desk next to mine is covered with Gundam Robots. The guy who sits behind me has Berserk for the wallpaper of his monitor. We have subsidized snack machines so it only costs fifty cents for anything in the vending machines (pop, candy bars, cookies, chips...). Best of all, I'm supporting a really cool product for this great company.
In the coming months I'll be busy fixing my house up to sell and getting ready to move closer to work (this commute kind of sucks... at least I have someone to car pool with).
I've also been uploading lots of personal stuff to Google Video. You can see what I looked like back in 1989 (complete with mullet) by following this link:
If you follow from there you can see shorter, cuter videos of Katina as well.
Time to get ready for work now.
See you later Space Cowboys....
Good for you. Remind me of which job you started now? There have been so many lately, this is the computer programing thing right?
That coleague, does he have that huge robot you're building? I'm still waiting for a finished pic.
It's cool to have co-workers that share your taste and therefore won't look at you like you're some rare beast just because you like anime. Good to know you're happy where you are.
I took a look at that video and you sure haven't changed much, I recognized you immediately! You were a little thinner back then and a little younger, but other than that it's like time stood still for you.

good to hear you're doing well.
Have fun

That's great man hope things stay that way for you.

The job is doing BlackBerry technical support for RIM. I now am connected to email 24/7 with this crazy little device. Rebecca has only taken it away from me once so far (not bad for the first week of having it).
I might actually get a chance to work on the model kit next weekend but I wouldn't count on it. I'm lucky to get any time on the computer with all the things we have to do to get our house ready to sell.
i'm jealous

Grats to hear it Zag. Btw from where to where will you be moving and currently how long is your drive?
Also i remember when you first posted that you lost your job browsing I-A at work. hehe
Yeah... I lost that job for more reasons than just browsing on the job. The biggest one was my online journal where I discussed polyfidelity and dating women other than my wife. The IA browsing would have been tolerated if that were all I was doing on the job.
I currently commute an hour for work from Hamilton to Waterloo. The plan is to sell our house and buy a new one in Waterloo by this summer. Reb has a job interview near Waterloo on Friday. Our plans are moving forward smoothly. It's about time too.
Yea its been a while and hard times since both of you had lost your jobs. Though glad to finally see something going good for you two once again. Btw how has the marridge been doing? (Haven't really heard of an update about it)
Zagatto Wrote:The job is doing BlackBerry technical support for RIM.
Hmmmm . . . do you have a direct contact number? You're my new personal Blackberry support person.
Since the 2 guys who worked with me who actually knew Blackberries aren't there anymore, I am now supposedly the 'Blackberry expert' (says my manager). Even though I don't even know how to turn the damn things on. I hate those fucking things!!!! So my manager told me to take a class on them if I have to and they'll reimburse me. I'm hoping I get this other position I applied for within my company soon, so I won't have to deal with handhelds anymore.
If I do need to take a class on them, is there one that you or your company can recommend?
I've got BlackBerry for Dummies as a pdf that I'd be happy to email you.
I dl'd it while I was waiting for my job to start. You'd be amazed at how much of the info from that book I use in my job now. I've even been teaching tricks to a few of the veterans in my department (which has only been around for 11 months).
As far as classes go, I'm not aware of any out there.
Do you know if you have a BlackBerry Enterprise Server or if you're using BlackBerry Internet Service? There's a world of difference between the two (the BES is best but also the most expensive). You can always contact me here if you have questions that aren't getting answered for you (not that I'm an expert yet).
Reading the Dummies book is a great place to start (get your boss to buy it for you... it isn't that expensive). I'll email it to you anyways if you want... it's a 10M file so make sure your email client can handle it... I've been sending it via Gmail.
We use a BES. I'll PM you my work email address when I get back. I have to get ready to leave for Indianapolis now. My alma mater George Mason University is in the final four. Be sure to cheer for them.