03-22-2006, 09:16 PM
Ha. I didn't steal it; I payed for it. Either way, what do you know about the Bible and such? Are you a believer? 'Cause saying that you don't take the Bible word-for-word means that you can't have too strong of beliefs, if any. I did read up on the pentagram about "The Five Wounds of Jesus Christ," and a pentagram is used by so many, and thought as so many different things, yet nowadays, it's mainly satanists who use them. And I DO take the Bible WORD-FOR-WORD. I try to stay with what God says. A pentagram can be used in so many ways. I'm going to keep the Orphen Series, but still not buy anything more with pentagrams. I've seen all of F.M.A., and it seems that they use the pentagram demonicly, to me, that is. And especially how Izumi's Teacher, the head of the humuculi is named "Dante"... That name means "devil". Also, how she puts the pentagram on the baby and opens "The Gate" that way. In all reality, I did like F.M.A. a lot. One way or the other, the ones who should feel ashamed are those who put out the single DVDs, with 2-4 episodes per disc, at $20+ for each. They swindle you out of your money, and that is the bottom line.