What do you guys and girls do and like besides anime??
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Anyway, I understand your situation. If there's something I don't want to do is live in order to work, I want to work in order to live. I see so many people working 14h a day, becoming sick from too much stress, all to advance their careers. Personaly, I want nothing of the sort. I want to live life, like you I want my free time to be free, therefore a job will serve the function of paying my bills and allow me to live confortably. Other than that I want to be able to do the things I truly enjoy.
I just asked why you weren't doing something you enjoyed out of curiosity, I wasn't judging you or anything. Sorry if it sounded that way.

You know, reading this its like hearing myself explain my situation. I always use those terms like 'work in order to live' to my friends. Its scary how much we agree.

Anyway, I thought you were just curious so I didn't take it the wrong way or anything. But if you want, judge away. You haven't been wrong so far.

The president of our company just died because of an heart attack. He was under alot of stress and that's most likely the reason he got the heart attack. The vice president had a heart attack last year. So yeah, I really want to avoid work stress. I like to be busy but you won't see me working overtime to often.

JunkieJoe Wrote:Since I been working for myself for a few years... I cant picture myself working for someone else.. doing a 9 to 5 ~_~... so I know where you coming from Elcoholic, but working for yourself has its disadvantages... you talk about you being in a sort of comfort zone, which happens when you have your own business... but much like you, who cant picture youself changing now... I cant picture myself doing anything but working for myself... (not meaning doing IA for the rest of my life but just cant fathom a 9-5... the thoughts scare me!)

Sounds like you got a good plan there. I myself want/need security above all. I have a contract with no end date, good insurance and a nice steady paycheck and those are very important for me. I also like the regular hours, puts some structure to my life (although less hours are always welcome). So if its a choice between doing something I love with little security or doing something not so fun with a lot of security I'll mostly pick the latter. But maybe I should start the euro branch of IA if things are going so good (don't worry, just kidding Wink )

Gubi, good luck with that shop. Its hard work starting a business.

Auntie Gemini, that's one sweet baby there. Congratulations!Smile

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What do you guys and girls do and like besides anime?? - by Elcoholic - 03-16-2006, 02:15 AM

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