AFAIK it's possible to do chargebacks on credit card payments made within the past 6 weeks, starting from the date you receive your billing statement. At least with Visa. Recently, they even managed to claim back money for some never-shipped DVDsoon items I ordered & paid in May. Not bad. Just in time before DVDsoon went bankrupt this month.
Ask your cc company about details.
Or, in case you used paypal, just claim your money back through them. Worked perfectly when sphiatt sent me HKs instead the advertised R1s.
AFAIK it's possible to do chargebacks on credit card payments made within the past 6 weeks, starting from the date you receive your billing statement. At least with Visa. Recently, they even managed to claim back money for some never-shipped DVDsoon items I ordered & paid in May. Not bad. Just in time before DVDsoon went bankrupt this month.
Ask your cc company about details.
Or, in case you used paypal, just claim your money back through them. Worked perfectly when sphiatt sent me HKs instead the advertised R1s.