Laserdisc vs Dvd Is there really that much of a difference?
Die hard LD fans will tell you analog is capable of cleaner and higher quality video because digital video compresses the video, which causes the well known artifacts and motion blur.

LaserDisc, pixelation and motion blur is COMPLETELY non-existant because it does not use digital video, however the picture is not quite as sharp or vibrant because it does not use digital enhancement.

LD died before digital filtering became largely possible in analog video, some of the last LD's which had analog video digitally filtered completely SPANKED there dvd counterparts.

[Image: starwars1.JPG]
aka EngrishMajor

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Laserdisc vs Dvd Is there really that much of a difference? - by Liete - 10-24-2005, 09:20 AM

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