10-16-2005, 11:14 PM
i'll have to check it out...thought it sounds kinda like a chick manga
gto is the best manga of all time. i also really like ken akamatsu and his new manga, negima doesn't dissapoint. but how did this people hateing thread become a manga thread?!??!!:mad: i still have a lot of people hating stuff to say! and not just about how andromeda was right about america being hypocritical but i try not to talk about politics all that much, takes to long, people get pissed, don't want their eyes to be opened and the brainwashing to end....i digress. do any of you play sports? well i've been playing soccer for 15 years, the last part of which was on a competitive lvl, and i've been refereeing for 8 years, i could have been a state referee by now...but didn't take the test and all that so maybe next year. and still when i'm out there, people say the most idiotic things i've ever heard. and they think cuz i'm out there wearing that uniform they can say whatever they want to me? hell no.

uno...dos...tres...el shoompo