10-11-2005, 11:20 PM
Just thought I would get some feelings off my shoulders. I am really starting to get pissed off all over again about well, the government and stupid american parents. For me its 2:11 am and I was working on some dfd charts and got bored so here I am. I dont understand some people. Like censorship, parents get all tiffy about video game sex and violence but you can barely put on any tv channel without sex and or violence. Its rampant. But why the hell do they edit movies, if I am going to pay $10 a ticket I want to see all the violence and sex without and editing. Otherwise I will just wait to the dvd. Also why the hell do parents get all angry about violence in movies and games, its life but more important if you dont want your child exposed to it then do your damn job as a parent and watch and control what they see or play, its parents responsibilities not movie or game makers. You had the nerve to open your legs then take responsibility.
And f***n wallmart, did anyone hear about the kid who made antibush posters and then took pictures that he was getting developed at walmart, well they told the fbi on him and he was questioned by the fbi. WTF!!!WTF!!! people cant even draw anymore without some Ahole telling them they cant do that.AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!
You know violent games and movies dont make me want to hurt and or kill people but the government does.
And f***n wallmart, did anyone hear about the kid who made antibush posters and then took pictures that he was getting developed at walmart, well they told the fbi on him and he was questioned by the fbi. WTF!!!WTF!!! people cant even draw anymore without some Ahole telling them they cant do that.AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!
You know violent games and movies dont make me want to hurt and or kill people but the government does.