IRC / BT split from Gundam Seed Thread
Robojack Wrote:Yeah, it's good that you guys would rather stick to BT, since the last thing I or any other IRC user needs is for more people to wander onto IRC, asking and bitching about how 'hard' IRC is to use compared to BT, why they're not able to receive from bots or fservers, how to change ports, register and identify their nicks, or why groups are taking so long to release episodes. I've been using IRC and newsgroups long before anyone has heard of BT, I'll probably be using them long after BT is gone.
Hate to say but i probably have used IRC as long as you have. i still know how to do all that shit and perfer not to. Because i am lazy and BT is easier..

BT won't go away.. it actually has a future as a technology then any of the others.. because it can actually prove that it has legal uses and companys are embracing BT.

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IRC / BT split from Gundam Seed Thread - by Schultz - 09-18-2005, 03:19 PM

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