09-13-2005, 09:46 PM
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09-14-2005, 05:50 PM
i will still disagree with you there.. Bittorrent is easier then IRC by far. and you say all are.. but i don't think so anymore.
Also Bittorrent scales better for bandwidth and sharing.. I know of one company that actually uses P2P to distribute patches for there games because it can scale faster and larger with more people then set servers.
Also Bittorrent scales better for bandwidth and sharing.. I know of one company that actually uses P2P to distribute patches for there games because it can scale faster and larger with more people then set servers.
09-14-2005, 06:42 PM
I can continue to play games, watch movies, and encode while I'm downloading from IRC. If i were to use BT, it'll eat system resources like a beggar at a buffet. That alone is enough to stick with IRC, plus BT is going down sooner or later, as it's the current target of recording and movie industries worldwide, who've so far managed to topple equally as formidable foes. IRC's been around for as long as the internet itself, it's been long written as merely an 'obsolete chatting software'. The way I see it, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and BT's big as it gets. It's way too simple to use, and it's only a matter of time before its wide-spread use cause it to become an overwhelming threat to the entertainment industry. Fast, stable, and good future prospects, only IRC for me.
09-14-2005, 10:51 PM
they can only take down the sites but new ones will be popping up..
also i don't know what kind of system you run but it taking up too much systems reasources total bullshit.. I play EverQuest 2 while running Bittorrents all day long.. Everquest 2 is probably one of theo biggest resource hogs for a damn game out right now.. when it along consumes 1gig+ RAM is enough to wonder..
Also Bittorrent won't be going down anytime soon.. thats the great thing about Bittorrent is that there is no "Networks" per say.. each torrent file is its own network..
Irc is the biggest PITA to deal with. Plus if you connection drops every now and then or slows you get Disconnected.. I have used IRC and still do for stuff i can only get on IRC. and i still Perfer BT you just don't like to share and we have already been shown that in the other thread.. So please anytime someone mentions BT we don't want to hear you go off about IRC you are the ONLY person on these forums that perfer it.
and like i said Some companys are "embracing it" World of Warcraft uses Peer to Peer to distribute there patches sometimes 100meg downloads.. read for there comments on Peer to Peer
or quote one part..
Why isn't Blizzard buying more bandwidth to distribute content by itself?
Due to the incredible popularity of our games, buying enough bandwidth to deliver large amounts of content to our users as fast as they can download it is simply not an option. It is not feasible to get that amount of bandwidth at our datacenters. Peer-to-peer transfer of files scales much better when distributing large amounts of data to a large population of users in a timely manner.
so if P2P isn't good why would a company use it like that.?
you can argue its because they are cheap.. and using your bandwidth but i disagree you can disable it and go old method which during major patch times is SLOW i have had to deal with this patching EQ2 few days ago expansion was released and it took me forever to get it patched because i couldn't connect to there patch server as it was overloaded because of everyone connecting..
also i don't know what kind of system you run but it taking up too much systems reasources total bullshit.. I play EverQuest 2 while running Bittorrents all day long.. Everquest 2 is probably one of theo biggest resource hogs for a damn game out right now.. when it along consumes 1gig+ RAM is enough to wonder..
Also Bittorrent won't be going down anytime soon.. thats the great thing about Bittorrent is that there is no "Networks" per say.. each torrent file is its own network..
Irc is the biggest PITA to deal with. Plus if you connection drops every now and then or slows you get Disconnected.. I have used IRC and still do for stuff i can only get on IRC. and i still Perfer BT you just don't like to share and we have already been shown that in the other thread.. So please anytime someone mentions BT we don't want to hear you go off about IRC you are the ONLY person on these forums that perfer it.
and like i said Some companys are "embracing it" World of Warcraft uses Peer to Peer to distribute there patches sometimes 100meg downloads.. read for there comments on Peer to Peer
or quote one part..
Why isn't Blizzard buying more bandwidth to distribute content by itself?
Due to the incredible popularity of our games, buying enough bandwidth to deliver large amounts of content to our users as fast as they can download it is simply not an option. It is not feasible to get that amount of bandwidth at our datacenters. Peer-to-peer transfer of files scales much better when distributing large amounts of data to a large population of users in a timely manner.
so if P2P isn't good why would a company use it like that.?
you can argue its because they are cheap.. and using your bandwidth but i disagree you can disable it and go old method which during major patch times is SLOW i have had to deal with this patching EQ2 few days ago expansion was released and it took me forever to get it patched because i couldn't connect to there patch server as it was overloaded because of everyone connecting..
09-15-2005, 01:54 PM
I split that thread as to try and let it continue then you and i going back and forth on our opinions..
09-15-2005, 04:09 PM
Schultz Wrote:So please anytime someone mentions BT we don't want to hear you go off about IRC you are the ONLY person on these forums that perfer it.
This is not true. For I am one of the few that prefer IRC. I see far greater speeds using IRC. The only time torrents come close to these speeds are when they come from one of the places where you have to keep a good ratio or get kicked out of the group. And even then the speeds don't really come close. So if I have the option I would rather leech from a bot on IRC.
09-15-2005, 04:20 PM
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:This is not true. For I am one of the few that prefer IRC. I see far greater speeds using IRC. The only time torrents come close to these speeds are when they come from one of the places where you have to keep a good ratio or get kicked out of the group. And even then the speeds don't really come close. So if I have the option I would rather leech from a bot on IRC.
Ok sorry he is one of the FEW
09-15-2005, 04:21 PM
Also i like to add.. can you automate IRC so it will download your new episode while you sleep when it was released? the power that comes from using RSS+Bittorrent makes it far easier to use and keep up with new releases.
09-16-2005, 01:02 AM
Damn, you guys at it again?
I'm one of the dumb people who don't know how to use IRC so BT is a dream come true for me. Robojack has a valid reason to prefer IRC since he has a bandwith limit but all the other reasons are bs. Speeds are just fine for me if you know where to look(I only use sites which need registration now). BT uses like 2% of my pc's power so there's plenty left for other stuff like games etc. And I don't know for sure but I often see on some sites "xxxx movie was released here first blabla" so I'm not sure if IRC is always first. Maybe with anime but not with movies and games(again, I could be wrong). And no way BT will ever be cracked down on. Its simply impossible. Hell, Kazaa is even still running and if they can't even shut that program down no way they'll be able to shut down every BT file there is.
Anyway, to each their own. IRC is better for you, BT is better for people like me who care more for easy use. Neither is the best.
I'm one of the dumb people who don't know how to use IRC so BT is a dream come true for me. Robojack has a valid reason to prefer IRC since he has a bandwith limit but all the other reasons are bs. Speeds are just fine for me if you know where to look(I only use sites which need registration now). BT uses like 2% of my pc's power so there's plenty left for other stuff like games etc. And I don't know for sure but I often see on some sites "xxxx movie was released here first blabla" so I'm not sure if IRC is always first. Maybe with anime but not with movies and games(again, I could be wrong). And no way BT will ever be cracked down on. Its simply impossible. Hell, Kazaa is even still running and if they can't even shut that program down no way they'll be able to shut down every BT file there is.
Anyway, to each their own. IRC is better for you, BT is better for people like me who care more for easy use. Neither is the best.
09-18-2005, 11:21 AM
Yeah, it's good that you guys would rather stick to BT, since the last thing I or any other IRC user needs is for more people to wander onto IRC, asking and bitching about how 'hard' IRC is to use compared to BT, why they're not able to receive from bots or fservers, how to change ports, register and identify their nicks, or why groups are taking so long to release episodes. I've been using IRC and newsgroups long before anyone has heard of BT, I'll probably be using them long after BT is gone.
09-18-2005, 03:19 PM
Robojack Wrote:Yeah, it's good that you guys would rather stick to BT, since the last thing I or any other IRC user needs is for more people to wander onto IRC, asking and bitching about how 'hard' IRC is to use compared to BT, why they're not able to receive from bots or fservers, how to change ports, register and identify their nicks, or why groups are taking so long to release episodes. I've been using IRC and newsgroups long before anyone has heard of BT, I'll probably be using them long after BT is gone.Hate to say but i probably have used IRC as long as you have. i still know how to do all that shit and perfer not to. Because i am lazy and BT is easier..
BT won't go away.. it actually has a future as a technology then any of the others.. because it can actually prove that it has legal uses and companys are embracing BT.
09-18-2005, 03:42 PM
Hehe, hate to say, but I'm impatient, and greedy. Like Kakoi mentioned, most people who use BT get pretty lousy speeds unless they maintain a certain download/upload ratio. I don't like sharing (especially not bandwdith), it's as simple as that. Both IRC and newsgroups allow me to leech without any pressure to reciprocate.
09-18-2005, 11:02 PM
you don't like sharin your bandwidth for uploading only then what else do you do with it? if you don't use it then you are wasting it.. It doesn't affect you if you upload or not.. You just don't seem to like the idea of helpin and giving back were others do all the hard work.
09-19-2005, 01:58 AM
*Nods* You've nailed it on the head!
And you should know as well as anyone that uploading will affect download speeds, dramatically at times. I can't have that, not in my household, NOPE!
And you should know as well as anyone that uploading will affect download speeds, dramatically at times. I can't have that, not in my household, NOPE!

09-19-2005, 12:52 PM
Actually you need to know how TCP/IP works to understand it. As long as you don't cap your upload your download will never be affected..
in TCP you have to send what is called a ACK package to acknowlege that you recived a packet. Well if your upstream is capped then you can't send out your ACK packets that fast thus hurting your download.. but if you limit your upload using bittorrent to about 75% of your upload and you won't have any problems at all..
in TCP you have to send what is called a ACK package to acknowlege that you recived a packet. Well if your upstream is capped then you can't send out your ACK packets that fast thus hurting your download.. but if you limit your upload using bittorrent to about 75% of your upload and you won't have any problems at all..
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