IRC / BT split from Gundam Seed Thread
they can only take down the sites but new ones will be popping up..

also i don't know what kind of system you run but it taking up too much systems reasources total bullshit.. I play EverQuest 2 while running Bittorrents all day long.. Everquest 2 is probably one of theo biggest resource hogs for a damn game out right now.. when it along consumes 1gig+ RAM is enough to wonder..

Also Bittorrent won't be going down anytime soon.. thats the great thing about Bittorrent is that there is no "Networks" per say.. each torrent file is its own network..

Irc is the biggest PITA to deal with. Plus if you connection drops every now and then or slows you get Disconnected.. I have used IRC and still do for stuff i can only get on IRC. and i still Perfer BT you just don't like to share and we have already been shown that in the other thread.. So please anytime someone mentions BT we don't want to hear you go off about IRC you are the ONLY person on these forums that perfer it.

and like i said Some companys are "embracing it" World of Warcraft uses Peer to Peer to distribute there patches sometimes 100meg downloads.. read for there comments on Peer to Peer

or quote one part..
Why isn't Blizzard buying more bandwidth to distribute content by itself?
Due to the incredible popularity of our games, buying enough bandwidth to deliver large amounts of content to our users as fast as they can download it is simply not an option. It is not feasible to get that amount of bandwidth at our datacenters. Peer-to-peer transfer of files scales much better when distributing large amounts of data to a large population of users in a timely manner.

so if P2P isn't good why would a company use it like that.?
you can argue its because they are cheap.. and using your bandwidth but i disagree you can disable it and go old method which during major patch times is SLOW i have had to deal with this patching EQ2 few days ago expansion was released and it took me forever to get it patched because i couldn't connect to there patch server as it was overloaded because of everyone connecting..

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IRC / BT split from Gundam Seed Thread - by Schultz - 09-14-2005, 10:51 PM

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