Christmas is gonna suck, when your family has stolen from you.
onizuka17711 Wrote:Drugs are becoming a problem where I live as well. You kinda know it's an issue when 6th graders are trying to sell me heroine :p . Not to mention, I've got one of the area's hottest drug spots about 1 minute's walk away. A lot of my friends have gotten caught up in all of that shit Sad . At least it's not relatives, like you. Still though, one of my former best friends tried to mug me for drug cash the other day, which is kinda depressing Sad . Sorry for the off topic rant :p .

Ya drugs are quite a problem lately. Fargo (this was a few years ago I found this so it coulda changed but I doubt it) is the meth capitol of the U.S. per capita. It's kinda sad but meth is 5x easier to find up here than weed is lol.

Worst part in my opinion are such strict privacy laws. Talking to police in our area they get really frustrated because they KNOW certain places that are dealing or making meth but they can't always get a warrant to go into the place and bust em.

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Christmas is gonna suck, when your family has stolen from you. - by Cidien - 07-09-2005, 03:36 PM

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