Christmas is gonna suck, when your family has stolen from you.
Puppet Master Wrote:DAMN that sucks man I feel bad for you man. If you ask me they should have to pay to get your shit back and still be punished for stealing. But man as far as flesh and blood stealing goes I really don't know what to tell ya. But sorry to hear that man Sad BTW just how did your family find it at that pawn shop? If you don't mind me asking.

The sister-in-law (my cousin) of one of the culprits saw one of my mom $5000 rings in there and knew it was hers, so she asked questions about who he got it from and then called us. We took legal action after that. She hates the bitch and that was why we got called. I think she might have suspected it and went to check shit out. Her mom was the other thief. She is in a really weird situation now, but I thank her for telling the truth about it.

And some of our stuff is gone to who know where the hell, like my Blackhills Gold tie-tack from my now dead grandfather on the other side of the family. I kept it in my moms jewelry cabinet for safe keeping, but I suppose that didn't work out too well. My aunt really got it the worst though. I don't know how much stuff they took from her, but it was a hell of a lot. She had like a big ass cabinet for all her necklaces and stuff, and it was all but cleaned out. I feel the worst for her. Those not stolen from kinda sit there in shock, except for the relative?s closer to the culprits, which are trying to defend them. WTF is there to defend really, they did it, and now they are going to pay for it, weather they hate us or not. Cause it seems to me they didn?t like us very much to begin with.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
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Christmas is gonna suck, when your family has stolen from you. - by Blight - 07-08-2005, 05:34 PM

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