Actually... leeching refers to other sites linking directly to our graphics and using our bandwidth for their purposes.

By requiring a login to view images, other sites are unable to leech our images.

An example would be if you made a personal home page with a picture of somebody dressed as Vash on it. Then someone else sees your picture and decides they want to use it for their own site.
There are a number of ways that they could go about using your picture. The best choice but least likely to happen would be if they contact you and ask for your permission to use your picture on their site. The next best thing would be for them to provide a link to your site and a description of your picture. After that, they could save your picture to their hard drive and use their bandwidth to broadcast your image without your knowing it.
Finally, the worst option would be that they could leech your image. They could have their page reference your image so it shows up on their page but it uses your bandwidth. That's leeching... we don't like it when we pay for other people to use our images.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

Messages In This Thread
Leech - by OMFG - 06-17-2005, 07:46 PM
Leech - by Puppet Master - 06-17-2005, 07:53 PM
Leech - by Cidien - 06-17-2005, 07:57 PM
Leech - by Batz Kage - 06-17-2005, 08:40 PM
Leech - by gubi-gubi - 06-19-2005, 10:19 AM
Leech - by Zagatto - 06-19-2005, 11:17 AM
Leech - by gubi-gubi - 06-19-2005, 11:32 AM

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