Filthy telemarketers! This is new low!!
hbk101 Wrote:UAT: Yes, they have a pedophile Web site for men who love boys. Uh, it's a Montreal-based Web site.

MIRMAN: Oh my God! Our Canadian pervert neighbors!

UAT: Mmm hmm.

MIRMAN: Basically God hates AT&T, MCI, and Verizon.

UAT: (pause) Yes. And, Mr. Mirman, do you make a lot of long distance calls or just a few every month?

ha ha... thos have to be my favourite lines outta the whole thing... although i do agree that this is a RECORD low for the telemarketers... :mad:
[Image: kogepansigcopy.jpg]

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Filthy telemarketers! This is new low!! - by vegeta76 - 06-07-2005, 05:26 PM

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