The weirdest news topic
I was watching NHK news a couple of days ago and they had a women's fashion segment. The topic was but shapes. There was three shapes they showed. 1) up-side down heart 2) big w 3) rectangle Rolleyes

The rectangle reffered to women with no but. Anyways what shape is your but according to the shapes? I'm a big w. :p

Messages In This Thread
The weirdest news topic - by tsunami - 06-01-2005, 08:38 AM
The weirdest news topic - by Andromeda18_ - 06-01-2005, 10:14 AM
The weirdest news topic - by Mantis421 - 06-01-2005, 12:19 PM
The weirdest news topic - by Andromeda18_ - 06-01-2005, 01:29 PM

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