Great News!! FX Ressurection *well sort of*
I think in general.. we are all arguing here for the same cause: an HK anime company who will consistantly provide high quality anime DVD rips of domestic video in affordable compressed DVD sets... regardless of whether it be FX, EZDVD, etc.

Of course FX is the trusted brand for the general HK public (even though they also were never perfect). But all I'm saying is.. lets hope for the best. Good luck and much prosperity to the HK companies.
*smithers walks in with a female date*

bart: hey...but i thought you were.. ?!
smithers: nah.. i'm totally straight... as long
as i take a shot every 5 minutes...

*gives himself shot*

smithers: ...I ..LOVE.. BOOBIES!!!

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Great News!! FX Ressurection *well sort of* - by t03knee - 05-28-2005, 01:08 AM

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