Which version of Samurai Deeper KYO is better?
hbk101 Wrote:You are welcome to disregard everything I said. Better yet, try out for yourself.
Hey, it's only $12 for 2 disc set.

If you read feedback more carefully, a number of people did mention about smell. And here's a food for thought. Unfortunately, feedback system is flowed. Most people on ebay are too nice to leave negative feedback for fear of getting negative feedback themselves.

I as a seller of hk sets myself have encountered the sets too. About 1 year ago, i received an email from a vendor with FX product and the price was too good to pass up. I order about 40 sets and when i recieved them, they looked like FX but something was really odd, the had a like..oil on them. Inside the cases, it was oily, no joke. The disks were pale on the top and not as vibrant as a MI, or FX disk (or even mac at that). But they carried all the logs and such such.

STAY AWAY from these sets. They are complete shit, and they arent worth the effort. If you cant get a FX set for something at the moment, find the MI equivent, since the MI dubs are for the most part copies of the FX sets (on dvd9, not 5), and they are just as good. FX stuff is still out there.

For a moment i thought the pictured one was the MI set, but then saw that FX product code because they both used the same box face (a not so rare occurrance between the companies), but that is deffinately not a real FX set.

Trust everyone here that says not to buy it we know what we are talking about.


Messages In This Thread
Which version of Samurai Deeper KYO is better? - by bmvtoys - 05-03-2005, 03:03 PM

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