04-26-2005, 07:49 PM
No worries 
I forgot the whole reason I first mentioned the crappy bands she likes & why she likes them.
One thing I REALLY can't stand is people who listen to music for the image it give me them. Like with ICP. I'll admit, they're good at what they do, but I've seen guys sit around & talk about how "sick" their lyrics are & a whole lotta shit like that. As if it's original to sing about screwing dead people *rollseyes* so mature.
I guess it's not their fault they're uncultured..
I mean I listen to MSI & the fact that half of their songs turn into Jimmy screaming random cuss words is a bonus, but I mean just listen to their music, it's quite random & really out of control at times, it's the chaos I like, not the fact that the James drinks his own urine & then passes the cup off to his guitarist XD that's just funny as Hell, cause James thinks the sickest thing that there band has ever done was when Steve drank his pee, but the fans didn't care because it was the same cup James was drinking out of.
I guess to put it this way; I listen to MSI because of their wicked sounds & character as it does bleed over into the music, not because it makes me look cool, or makes me feel like a rebel -_-.
Hell, GWAR's BRDF song or whatever was more sick than most the things ICP could ever pull out their a$ses..(sadly GWAR only has one good song that I've heard, & that's Sadam-A-Go-Go).
Normally this issue boils down to Marilyn Manson fans. I know he has some good music, but most people I've ever known to brag about listening to him just want that 'yeah I'm crazy' appeal.
Although I have to admit, without gimic bands, there'd be a lot less good music...er, wait, maybe not...

I forgot the whole reason I first mentioned the crappy bands she likes & why she likes them.
One thing I REALLY can't stand is people who listen to music for the image it give me them. Like with ICP. I'll admit, they're good at what they do, but I've seen guys sit around & talk about how "sick" their lyrics are & a whole lotta shit like that. As if it's original to sing about screwing dead people *rollseyes* so mature.
I guess it's not their fault they're uncultured..
I mean I listen to MSI & the fact that half of their songs turn into Jimmy screaming random cuss words is a bonus, but I mean just listen to their music, it's quite random & really out of control at times, it's the chaos I like, not the fact that the James drinks his own urine & then passes the cup off to his guitarist XD that's just funny as Hell, cause James thinks the sickest thing that there band has ever done was when Steve drank his pee, but the fans didn't care because it was the same cup James was drinking out of.
I guess to put it this way; I listen to MSI because of their wicked sounds & character as it does bleed over into the music, not because it makes me look cool, or makes me feel like a rebel -_-.
Hell, GWAR's BRDF song or whatever was more sick than most the things ICP could ever pull out their a$ses..(sadly GWAR only has one good song that I've heard, & that's Sadam-A-Go-Go).
Normally this issue boils down to Marilyn Manson fans. I know he has some good music, but most people I've ever known to brag about listening to him just want that 'yeah I'm crazy' appeal.
Although I have to admit, without gimic bands, there'd be a lot less good music...er, wait, maybe not...
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html