Where to buy your HK Anime? The Million Dollar Question*LOL*

Do you understand what this means ?? DVD-5 format is a max of 4.7 gig while DVD-9 is up to 8 gig. The new MAC sets and everyone on here is talking about it is different from the old sets.

Take for example scryed which you just mentioned. The original scryed from MAC (and FX) was on 3 DVD-9 disc, now MAC have change their old DVD-9 discs down to DVD-5 and re-shrunk the original discs down to under 4.7 gig to capacitate the whole disc as well as adding a DTS 6.1 track which takes up over 1 gig of the disc. With such heavy down-sizing on a DVD-5 disc you are left with pixilation and macroblocking to the extreme. Just read all the new reviews of MAC dvds

C'Mon man, Im not the bad guy here+ Do you understand what im saying above?

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Where to buy your HK Anime? The Million Dollar Question*LOL* - by guts45 - 04-13-2005, 05:34 PM

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