Ok folks,
i know this has been posted a million times but since the big FX saga and the MAC DVD-5 intervention the question should be asked again
Im going to give my HK places of purchase, Would love to hear from everybody on where you get your fix, MI, AV etc; Taking in to account price, value and customer service
Here's the only places I shop:
Import-Anime (Major props to JJ)
Cookie Jar Video (A good bit more expensive but good service)
Anime-Icon (Exellent price, selection but have stopped selling DVD AHHHH :mad: )
Please feel free to list places you have bought from aswell as your opinion, No region 1 stores just the HK Anime stores
Nice 1, Let's go

Here CJV and the store that is not to be named. None other than that and a couple cheap fx ebay vendors. Course their titles have dried up lately...
Here and CJV. I've had some deals with 695anime and sundevildvd but both their customer service sucks ass compared to JJ's and Bella's. Anime-icon's owner is an asshole but that's personal

This place but if JJ doesn't have something I want I just go around to chinatown 3 blocks away. lol
Doesn't anyone else find a problem with this thread? It really just doesn't seem right to come onto JJ's site and talk about buying DVDs from his competitors. It's just low.
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:Doesn't anyone else find a problem with this thread? It really just doesn't seem right to come onto JJ's site and talk about buying DVDs from his competitors. It's just low.
I've always thought that myself...
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:Doesn't anyone else find a problem with this thread? It really just doesn't seem right to come onto JJ's site and talk about buying DVDs from his competitors. It's just low.
Ive never seen a problem with threads like this actually. If it was a problem JJ would have addressed it in the past.
as long as you list the good points of diff stores i don't have any problem with it....
i mean no offense to this store but IA just doesen't have that much of a selection but it is cheaper then CJV. But with CJV you pay more but they have more stuff.
i just see it as share the love if JJ was in trouble or something i would feel differently but CJV isn't killing his sells or anything in fact i think IA may get more sells then CJV anyways.
And also forums are free speech so
Puppet Master Wrote:Ive never seen a problem with threads like this actually. If it was a problem JJ would have addressed it in the past.
Of course, JJ doesn't say anything because he is too nice. But anyone with a tiny amount of common sense should know that it is a bad manner to advertise another store, let alone a long list
Posting here is a previledge, not a right. Free speech my ass. In fact, there are other forums that prohibits the naming of other stores. I can understand if someone just ask about anothe store here out of neccessity, but this thread is beyond bad manner.
And one more thing, JJ's selection was better than CJV before FX went down because JJ listed many titles that other stores couldn't. Even now, I see a lot of titles in his store that other store can't carry.
I also think it's not very sensible to talk about other stores here. The only reason why I'm replying to this question is because I only buy from JJ and JJ alone.

I think JJ knows how much his store rocks so he doesnt really care if people talk about other stores. We'll always come back here because of his great service.
Oh, and I only buy from here. Used to buy fron Jinkie.com untill the people running it magicly disappeared.
In reply to the original question of this thread, I get my HK anime from 2 places, as of this moment. One is this warehouse type store called Frank and Sons Collectible show [
link]. It's a great place.. think of a swap meet selling imported collectibles and American memorabilia... with anime prices only slightly higher than that of JJ's. Plus, the great thing is you can get it right then and there. But this is a Southern California type deal... Sorry to the rest of you Non-Californians ...

The other place I use is eBay. ^^
I haven't officially bought anything from JJ just yet... but with the prices I've seen, i'm not really sure why I'm holding back... maybe I'm still stubborn with eBay... I've gotten a LOT of great deals on eBay so far... even my transactions with Sphiatt and some other apparently "bad" sellers had given me no trouble... yet. Hopefully, I won't have to learn the hard way and deal with a bad seller.
So for now, I'm recommending JJ and eBay, in that order. If you live in southern California (or are crazy enough to drive over here), Frank and Sons is great too.. I'm sure you can't go wrong with Import-Anime because I think the comments above speak for themselves. And if you can't get it here, my best bet is the eBay search function...
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:Doesn't anyone else find a problem with this thread? It really just doesn't seem right to come onto JJ's site and talk about buying DVDs from his competitors. It's just low.
Ok let me clear this up. Before I posted this I thought to myself 'Yeh gonna get some static' from
some peeps
Then i took into account that most of the people that come on here are regulars and they do already buy from JJ
I am one. I have purchased mounds of anime from import-anime and love the place
I will always stay loyal to JJ and Import-Anime, as he has shown me nothing but good service and been helpful.
The main purpose of this thread was to let the HK anime community help each other out in case you wanted a title that JJ didn't offer. Since the FX saga and other little issues i thought it would be a nice little help if we shared some places with each other.
I don't feel I was wrong in posting this thread and I think JJ would feel the same way. This thread isn't here to fu*k up shit, Its here to help the HK anime community as a
whole *End of serious Gut45 :p
guts45 Wrote:This thread isn't here to fu*k up shit.
Truer words have never been spoken.
Lighten up, people.