[Current Trade List] - GuBi-GuBi (My first be gentle!)
Megumi Wrote:Do you only accept trades or money through paypal aswell?
If you accept money how much would you be willing to sell theses ones for? I live in UK too so how much with shipping?

Fruits Basket - FX - 3 Discs - ENG/JAP Audio
Chobits - FX - 3 Discs - ENG/JAP Audio

Is £18 for both sets ok? Thats £3 a disc. Im going the post office today anyway so i'll get the two sets weighed and get a quote for the cheapest shipping. Or do you have a prefered shipping method?

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[Current Trade List] - GuBi-GuBi (My first be gentle!) - by gubi-gubi - 03-31-2005, 04:00 AM

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