Need info on new HK Dragonball Z DVDs ...
Quote:Originally posted by "kakoi_sugoi_yama"

I pretty much stay clear from anything r1 nowadays. I've just been burned too many times. 8O 8O 8O

Um.... you're staying away from r1's and getting HK DVDs ?
Yeah, you'll get much better quality that way. </sarcasm>

Pioneer's license for the first few DBZ eps. are expiring very soon, and they aren't re licensing it and FUNimation is going to pick it up.

4 episodes per DVD isn't so bad ! 3 episodes I won't stand for, and 2 episodes.... well....
*throws rocks at the company*
Usually only VIZ does that.

I like SS and CPM the best 'cause they release lots of episodes. (Utena series was 7 eps. per DVD).

Definantly stay away from Yu Yu Hakusho. Don't support any FUNimation product. *shudder*

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Need info on new HK Dragonball Z DVDs ... - by dvd_master - 10-29-2002, 08:16 AM

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