On Ebay a few auctions have popped up for HK Dragon Ball Z DVDs
Most people are auctioning off Movie 7, but movies 6, 9 & 10 have appeared on there as well ... all with english subtitles of course
If anyone has any info on these or has these DVDs, or knows which company produces them (and an e-mail and url

) ... please post what you think of them or e-mail me
theres a new set of Dragon Ball Z episodes 1-52, 8DVD set DUB ONLY thats supposably out... I will find out if its actually out next week when I receive my restocking order,
thing with ebay, alot of people there see that an item is coming out and they list it on ebay, and sometimes it takes weeks for the item to be actually available...
Do you think the DUB would be uncut?
find out if the Pioneer DVDs for the first 52 episodes are uncut or cut and that set will be the rip of them...
those are the first 20 dvds of the series.. they were done by pioneer... after that, FUNamation started producing their own DVDs... they had both DUB and Sub and uncut for sure
Unfortunatly the First DVD's done by Pioneer and not Uncut.. and i dont' think Funimation has any plans on redoing them.. Since they are following pioneer's Episode # line.. Since like 15 episodes have been lost in the series when pioneer.. the japanese has a total of 291 and with the English it will end with a total of 276.
It's out people. I'm looking in it's direction after I finish KOR and Kodomo No Omocha.
Yes its out and Yes I have it and Yes i posted Review PLUS screenshots on the site ;p
hhmmmz, I was hoping for a subbed uncut DVD release of the Dragonball (Z) series (and the pokemon series + movies) ..... guess I'll just have to wait longer

1-53 will never be uncut =/
The sad facts from Pioneer.
well I'm glad that we have a cheap sollution when it comes to Dragonball. I mean, I wasn't going to get i-don't-know-how-many-DVD's which cost 25 bucks each. I just hope that the other saga's will also be released soon
Let's pray for the original Dragon Ball to come out on DVD
Original Dragon Ball has come out on DVD... atleast first part... its been a while since it did (R1 release)
Yeah the Saga of Goku but that was it.