Apocalypse and the Beauty Queen.
I have held off on posting this until I knew for sure I was going to be in the movie, but they filmed the scene where I was an extra yesterday so I decided to tell y?all about it. I think the movie is going to be a piece of crap, but they have been filming Apocalypse and the Beauty Queen (http://www.abeautyqueen.com/exec.htm) just two houses away from mine for like 4 weeks. Yesterday, me and my friend Tim got to be extras in the movie. We are peasants and the queen is throwing bread out in to us. We had to get all nasty cloths and put them on, and then get makeup that made us look all dirty (it made my skin break out real bad though). My mom took pictures of me and my friend dressed up and I?ll post them when I get them developed. The only bad part was that I was over at Tim?s house the night before and got real hammered so I had to get up the early the next morning with one hell of a hang over. I also had to wait like four hours before the even started getting us ready for the shoot. I also got to meet Gunner, the guy who played Leather Face in the Texas chain saw massacre, which was cool so it was worth it. I doubt the movie will come out in theaters over here, they said they are aiming for a Europeans audience, but I?m goona buy it on DVD when it comes out just cause I?m goona be in it.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe

Messages In This Thread
Apocalypse and the Beauty Queen. - by Blight - 03-06-2005, 02:44 PM
Apocalypse and the Beauty Queen. - by rav96 - 03-09-2005, 02:57 PM
Apocalypse and the Beauty Queen. - by Blight - 03-09-2005, 03:21 PM

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