Any idea when we can expect Howl's Moving Castle?
I guess it all depends on how you like your Anime, i started with the English dubs and had a hard time with Subtitles - but then i grew to love The Japanese Voices with subtitles , It probably depends on how you first saw the movie as to how your attached to it-- I still thinks Cowboy Bebop and Captain Harlocks voices are better in English -- go figure, Personnally I really hate the new Disney, with what they do to movies they should be charged with Rape - Spirited Aways Voices really suck , I bought all of the Miyazaki movies up to now -Spirited Away , Princess Mononoke, Castle in the Sky and Kikis Delivery Service -- Nausicaa is a fantastic movie ( thou its dated ) as well as Porco Roso ( The Crimson Pig ) but the cat returns is mediocre-- But I have the Studio Gibli set ( 6 dvd,s ) there all there -except for the cat returns ans Spirited away , and i think I'll hold on to my hard earned dollars and just enjoy the Japanese dubbed versions I already have -Ill rent Nausicaa from Block Buster when I get a chance just to be fair- P.S when Howl's Moving Castle comes out -I will pick that up ( seen it , its fantastic ) -- good hunting Big Grin

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Any idea when we can expect Howl's Moving Castle? - by puzzleguy - 03-02-2005, 01:08 PM

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