Just came out November in theaters in Japan. When can we expect a dubbed version? I've been waiting for this movie for a long time :p .
Due in theatres in the US on June 10, 2005.
I've been waiting for Nausicca since 84', and got a bootleg version back in 89'. Disney has a tendency to sit on these Miyazaki projects for a long time. I don't know why, but they've own the right for nine years now.
Why bother ! Disney ruins every miyazaki movie they get their hands on ( with the exception of kiki's delivery service) They dont put the heart into the voices like they do at studio Gibli , disney gets the biggest stars voices they can get ( they think it sells the movies - like Studio gibli isnt the best at what they do- which they are ) save your money and buy the gibli set - and then wait for Howls - it will be HK sooner or latter - just be patient !
puzzleguy Wrote:Why bother ! Disney ruins every miyazaki movie they get their hands on ( with the exception of kiki's delivery service) They dont put the heart into the voices like they do at studio Gibli , disney gets the biggest stars voices they can get ( they think it sells the movies - like Studio gibli isnt the best at what they do- which they are ) save your money and buy the gibli set - and then wait for Howls - it will be HK sooner or latter - just be patient !
Have you seen Naussicaa yet? Disney just released it, Proco Russo and The Cat Returns here in America. Nuassicaa has an AMAZING voice cast. They got a lot of big name stars to do the voices and I think they did just as well as the Japanese voice actors did. I know they've done us wrong in the past but you should really give Nuassicaa a chance. The english dubbed version is every bit as good as the Japanese, and I don't say that lightly. I'm very picky when it comes to my Miyazaki films. :p
The Maniac Wrote:Have you seen Naussicaa yet? Disney just released it, Proco Russo and The Cat Returns here in America. Nuassicaa has an AMAZING voice cast. They got a lot of big name stars to do the voices and I think they did just as well as the Japanese voice actors did. I know they've done us wrong in the past but you should really give Nuassicaa a chance. The english dubbed version is every bit as good as the Japanese, and I don't say that lightly. I'm very picky when it comes to my Miyazaki films. :p
Well I saw the English dub this weekend (well at least 30 minutes of it, thats all I could stomach) Its cool that you liked it though. I thought it was horrible compare to the original Japanese track. However, they tried the same thing with Princess Mononoke, even with the English script written by Neil Gaiman, I still couldn't watch it, it felt like watching two different movies. Haven't seen Porco Rosso in ten years, so I will probably pick this up just to watch it again.
I guess it all depends on how you like your Anime, i started with the English dubs and had a hard time with Subtitles - but then i grew to love The Japanese Voices with subtitles , It probably depends on how you first saw the movie as to how your attached to it-- I still thinks Cowboy Bebop and Captain Harlocks voices are better in English -- go figure, Personnally I really hate the new Disney, with what they do to movies they should be charged with Rape - Spirited Aways Voices really suck , I bought all of the Miyazaki movies up to now -Spirited Away , Princess Mononoke, Castle in the Sky and Kikis Delivery Service -- Nausicaa is a fantastic movie ( thou its dated ) as well as Porco Roso ( The Crimson Pig ) but the cat returns is mediocre-- But I have the Studio Gibli set ( 6 dvd,s ) there all there -except for the cat returns ans Spirited away , and i think I'll hold on to my hard earned dollars and just enjoy the Japanese dubbed versions I already have -Ill rent Nausicaa from Block Buster when I get a chance just to be fair- P.S when Howl's Moving Castle comes out -I will pick that up ( seen it , its fantastic ) -- good hunting

Got the ghibli set myself a couple weeks ago. I tried watching both castle in the sky and grave of the fireflies (had to buy it after people said it was so sad) in english and had to turn on the japanese track. I watch most of my stuff dubbed, but those were horrible.
Cidien - did you buy the 4 disc set or the six disc gibli set -- i have the 6 disc set and am told its better than the four -- hear it has problems ( the four )-- anywho I know some of the subs are not done professional , and on the sly ( like fan subs ) but at that price and many of the titles in the set not in the usa yet , its still a fantastic deal---