do you think people should have certain speaking rights
elcoholic Wrote:Well, one of the things that atracts me to the US is its different enviroments. You've got your tropical areas but you've also got snow or desert. So if you don't like your current climate there's always somewhere to your liking in your own country. I really don't have that in my country. Its way to small for that. I have to go abroad and deal with language barriers and shit. I'd love to be able to go on holiday in my own country and still be in a totaly diferent place.

You can hate the people in your country, you can hate the region, you can hate the government but its damn hard to justify hating the entire land. America on its own is a beautiful land with lots of nature. Treasure living in a place with so much variety.

The diversity of climates and landscapes present in the US is something that also fascinates me. Then again nothing else could be expected from such a large country.
Portugal, although bigger than Holland is a small country but the climate here also varies. The south is quite hotter and drier (it's actually turning into a desert) than the north (where I live) and while the coastal cities have mild winters the interior ones have very cold and snowy winters.

onizuka17711 Wrote:We're like the only counrty not researching stem cells, for example.

Much worse than that is the fact that America won't sign the Kyoto treaty. America is responsable for 25% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions! I know it would be bad for your economy, I understand that. But all the money in the world isn't going to help when the world starts crashing down.
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do you think people should have certain speaking rights - by Andromeda18_ - 02-15-2005, 11:15 AM

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